
Global Chemicals and Waste Indicator Review Document

04 October 2021
Cover page

The Global Chemicals and Waste Indicator Review Document aim to strengthen the knowledge base of chemicals and hazardous waste and enhance the capacity of selected countries to track progress towards related SDG indicators across sectors. With the purpose of enhancing evidence base as well as the science-policy interface, this review document responds to the need for better information to empower decision makers and stakeholders to act and support policy making for sound management of waste to minimize risks to public health and the environment associated with chemicals and hazardous waste.

This document provides a coherent methodology for measuring the SDG indicators related to municipal waste (SDG indicator 11.6.1), food waste (SDG indicator 12.3.1 b), hazardous waste (SDG indicator 12.4.2) and recycling rate (SDG indicator 12.5.1).

The review document proposes a data assessment tool for country reporting and is designed to include overall country information, as well as specific data required for calculating the indicators based on the adopted methodologies. Its aim is to assist countries in collecting relevant data from national/regional level authorities, identifying data gaps and inconsistencies, and sector priorities in terms of both data production/collection and waste management in general.
