First global conference on land-ocean connections

In Ocean, seas and coasts

The Global Conference on Land-Ocean Connections (GLOC) was a two-day gathering of scientists, experts, policy makers and NGOs who made recommendations for the Third Intergovernmental Review (IGR-3) on the Implementation of the Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land Based Activities (GPA) that followed this conference (25-26 January 2012). This conference explored current and emerging issues that originate from land-based activities and the options to manage these issues. The overall objective for the Conference was to review policy and implementation frameworks addressing key marine and coastal issues.

Read the IISD Coverage of the Meeting


The object of this conference was to bring together scientists, experts, policy makers and NGOs to discuss current and emerging issues in the marine and coastal sector with a focus on GPA related topics. The overall purpose of Conference was to review policy and implementation frameworks addressing key marine and coastal issues and emerging solutions, ensuring that those frameworks are:

  • Contributing effectively to the development of strengthened and resilient marine and coastal ecosystems serving coastal and upstream communities; and
  • In so doing helping to meet the new environmental resource management challenges which the international community is facing in developing –more resource efficient a lower carbon economy based on sustainable food, energy and water security and quality.

The conference provided sound science-based and objective recommendations for the IGR-3 meeting, which immediately followed the GLOC, as well as a draft key message for addressing GPA related issues and actions at Rio+20. The GLOC was structured around the proposed priority themes for the GPA: water quality (nutrients and wastewater); marine litter, and integrated coastal zone management at regional, national and sub-national levels, as a platform for mainstreaming the GPA and associated National Programmes of Action (NPAs).


The conference transmited recommendations to the IGR-3 of the GPA related to:

  • Advancing GPA implementation by incorporating recent and emerging approaches and concepts such as the Green Economy;
  • Setting a target for improved nutrient management efficiency;
  • The scope and focus of a marine litter partnership;
  • Initiation of a wastewater partnership;
  • Maintaining and protecting the multiple benefits of ecosystem services, especially in the management of deltas;
  • Policies and actions for improved management of nutrients, wastewater and marine litter in catchments and coasts; and
  • The role of other agencies including the GEF, UN Agencies and Regional Seas Conventions and Action Plans.




In Ocean, seas and coasts
