In face of rising air pollution, Rwanda turns to electric vehicles

At a glance, you might mistake the three-stall, white and green EV Plugin station in downtown Kigali for a collection of petrol pumps. This, however, is a charging station for electric vehicles (EVs), one of nearly 200 in the Rwandan capital.

Capable of charging both cars and motorcycles, the station in many ways symbolizes Rwanda’s hopes of becoming an electric vehicle powerhouse.

Era of leaded petrol over, eliminating a major threat to human and planetary health

  • Official end of use of leaded petrol will prevent more than 1.2 million premature deaths and save USD 2.45 trillion a year
  • The end of leaded petrol follows a 19-year campaign led by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and partners
  • UNEP urges countries to work towards zero emissions vehicles to further address air pollution and climate change

Nairobi, 30 August 2021 – When service stations in

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