FlipFlopi launches first ever prototype of marine-litter boat

Lamu, Kenya 15 September 2018 – Amid the rising momentum to beat plastic pollution globally, Kenya will today see the launch of the world’s first 100% recycled marine plastic boat into the Indian Ocean. The project, aptly named the FlipFlopi, used thousands of repurposed flip-flops and ocean plastic collected on beach clean-ups along the Kenyan coast for the construction of the prototype.

UN Environment and Boston College establish Global Pollution Observatory

  • UN Environment and Boston College established a new research partnership to focus on reducing sources of pollution that kill 9 million people each year.
  • Pollution is linked to a myriad of diseases, injuries, and risk factors, including asthma, cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

New York, 24 September 2018 – To provide decision-makers and development practitioners with real data on the comparative mag

Nations commit to fight plastic pollution together during the UN General Assembly

  • To launch the UN Environment's Global Plastics Platform, UN Environment and the European Commission hosted an event alongside the UN General Assembly.
  • The network will encourage new commitments to reduce plastic pollution and,supporting the transition to a more circular economy.

New York, 25 September, 2018 – To build on the growing momentum around the plastics agenda, UN Environment and the European

Iraq officials trained in assessing oil contaminated sites from the ISIL conflict

  • UN Environment conducts a five-day training workshop for 26 national experts from Iraq’s ministries of environment and oil.
  • Workshop strengthens national capacity to assess and clean-up oil-contaminated sites from the conflict in Iraq.
  • Joint team of trained staff to carry out field-survey of oil contaminated sites after which UN Environment will review survey findings and provide guidance on site prioritization process.

Keeping warming to 1.5˚C impossible without reducing Short-lived Climate Pollutants

  • The UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says there is still a long way to go if we want to limit global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius.
  • Our best chance to avoid runaway warming is to act right away to reduce highly potent but short-lived climate pollutants.
  • Fast and immediate action on short-lived climate pollutants can avoid over half a degree of warming by 2050.

Bangkok, Monday O

Guatemala joins the Clean Seas campaign and steps up efforts to beat plastic pollution

  • 16 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean have signed up to the United Nations-led campaign to drastically reduce plastic pollution in the oceans.
  • Guatemala pledged to increase the collection of waste in rivers through innovative plastic-catching bio-fences around the country.
  • The announcement was made on the sidelines of the XXI Meeting of the Forum of Ministers of the Environment of Latin America and the Caribbean

New report outlines air pollution measures that can save millions of lives

Geneva, October 30, 2018: Millions of lives could be saved and one billion people living in Asia could be breathing clean air by 2030 if 25 simple and cost-effective measures are implemented, according to a new UN report. Currently, about 4 billion people – 92 per cent of Asia and the Pacific’s population – are exposed to levels of air pollution that pose a significant risk to their health.

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