Young Champions help stem marine plastic

On 26 September, UN Environment awarded the 2018 Champions and Young Champions of the Earth Awards. Two of the Young Champions, Miranda Wang and Miao Wang, are intervening to prevent marine plastic pollution at different points.

Miranda has invented a way of turning unrecyclable plastic waste into chemicals to build new materials. She focuses on removing plastic from waste before it even reaches the ocean.

UN Environment “Mountain Hero” Michael Strasser breaks world record!

Michael Strasser has just completed an epic journey. He has just set a new world record by cycling 22,642 km from Alaska in the US to Patagonia in southern Argentina in 84 days, 11 hours and 50 minutes. 

More importantly, he’s done this to highlight the importance of environmental issues, including wildlife conservation, the dangers of pollution and climate change.

Oslo takes bold steps to reduce air pollution, improve livability

Norway’s capital city Oslo, home to over 670,000 people, is boldly pushing forward with a range of measures to improve air quality for the city’s inhabitants. Oslo is one of 42 cities who take part in Breathe Life, a campaign led by the World Health Organization, UN Environment and the Climate & Clean Air Coalition that inspires cities and individuals to protect our health and planet from the effects of air pollution.

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