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603 results found

Press Release
Geneva, 22 June 2024 – Governments gathered in Geneva have advanced in the process to establish a science-policy panel on chemicals, waste and pollution prevention, agreeing to continue negotiations to further develop the proposal for this body, akin to the IPCC on climate change and the IPBES on biodiversity.  

Categorized Under: Global

Nairobi, 18 June 2024 – The environmental impacts of the war in Gaza are unprecedented, according to a preliminary assessment published today by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), exposing the community to rapidly growing soil, water and air pollution and risks of irreversible damage to its natur

Categorized Under: Environment under review West Asia

Press Release
Geneva, 13 June 2024 - Amid mounting concern about the health and environmental impacts of air pollution, a new report from the World Meteorological Organization points out the potential for low-cost sensor systems to assess levels of air pollution, identify sources and to support air quality strategies to reduce them.

Categorized Under: Global

Press Release
Albania, Burkina Faso, India, Montenegro and Uganda have joined forces to halt mercury pollution from the healthcare sector Mercury harms human health and the environment $134-million initiative will support a holistic approach to improve the management of mercury waste and the adoption of alternatives Geneva, 14 May 2024 – The Governments of Albania, Burkina Faso, India, Montenegro and Ugand

Categorized Under: Global

Press Release
Ottawa, 23 April 2024 – The fourth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment (INC-4), opened today in Canada’s capital, Ottawa.

Categorized Under: Global

The world has a once-in-a-generation chance to profoundly change humanity’s relationship with plastic. That is the message from officials ahead of “pivotal” talks next week on a legally binding global instrument to end plastic pollution.

Categorized Under: Global

Humanity generates between 2.1 billion and 2.3 billion tonnes of municipal solid waste a year.  

Categorized Under: Global

Spanish officials declare a state of emergency due to drought. Unprecedented water shortages hammer Mexico City. Severely parched Zambia warns of a national disaster.   These are just some of the water-related headlines from the past few weeks. 

Categorized Under: Global

When it comes to climate change, carbon dioxide is the gas that grabs most of the headlines. But there is another gas that is contributing to the superheating of the planet: methane. 

Categorized Under: Global

Press Release
Ecuador, India, Kenya, Laos, Philippines, Uruguay, and Vietnam have joined forces to reduce the environmental impact of the agricultural sector Highly hazardous pesticides and plastic waste from agriculture release toxic persistent organic pollutants into the environment, also harming human health $379 million initiative will realign financial incentives to prevent the use of harmful inputs in food production

Categorized Under: Global

In a video address at the sixth session of the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA-6), UN Secretary-General António Guterres has called on countries to come together to address the planet’s most-pressing environmental challenges. “You have shown before that you can unite and deliver,” he told delegates. “I urge you to do so again – and go further.“

Categorized Under: Global

Press Release
Clean Air Flagship launched to save lives and slow climate change by boosting cooperation and reducing pollutant emissions UNEP and CCAC’s Used Heavy Duty Vehicles (HDVs) and the Environment report provides roadmap to reducing sector’s emissions through standardizing, monitoring, and greening strategies

Categorized Under: Global

Press Release Transport
Nairobi, 22 February 2024 – While heavy-duty vehicle (HDV) exports represent a modest 3.6% of the global automotive trade's total value, their associated CO2 emissions have surged by over 30% since 2000, with trucks contributing 80% to this increase.

Categorized Under: Transport Global

Nairobi, 19 February 2024 - The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) today released its Annual Report (2023), which details the work of the organization last year to provide key science and solutions on the
Story Energy
Ever since the first lump of coal was burned thousands of years ago, fossil fuels have played a central part in the story of humanity. But as the world transitions away from these planet-warming energy sources, demand is shifting towards a subset of minerals such as lithium, nickel and cobalt. 

Categorized Under: Energy Global

As a single parent in her late 30s, Ganga Didi long worried about being able to provide for her child. Barely able to survive on her wages from cleaning office buildings in Kathmandu, she started looking for better opportunities. 

Categorized Under: Asia and the Pacific

For months last year, Florida’s beachgoers were plagued by rotting tangles of decaying seaweed that had washed ashore. Known technically as sargassum, the thick clumps were part of a record-setting 8,000-kilometre-long seaweed belt in the Atlantic Ocean.

Categorized Under: Global

Drive down the dusty roads of Jamaica’s rural Mount Airy district and one will see dozens of black water tanks, many connected with drainpipes to the rooftops of neighbouring houses. The tanks measure two metres tall. They collect rainwater and through a drip irrigation system, channel it to nearby fields brimming with tomatoes, peppers and sweet potatoes.

Categorized Under: Global

Drive down the dusty roads of Jamaica’s rural Mount Airy district and one will see dozens of black water tanks, many connected with drainpipes to the rooftops of neighbouring houses. The tanks measure two metres tall. They collect rainwater and through a drip irrigation system, channel it to nearby fields brimming with tomatoes, peppers and sweet potatoes.

Categorized Under: Global

The year 2023 was a landmark one for the global governance of chemicals and waste, with negotiations on a science-policy panel for sound chemical management and talks on an instrument to end plastic pollution both making headway.

Categorized Under: Global

The year 2023 was a landmark one for the global governance of chemicals and waste, with negotiations on a science-policy panel for sound chemical management and talks on an instrument to end plastic pollution both making headway.

Categorized Under: Global

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is one of the greatest global health threats.

Categorized Under: Global

Negotiators will gather in Nairobi, Kenya, from 13-19 November for the latest in a series of talks designed to forge a legally binding global instrument to end plastic pollution.  

Categorized Under: Global

King Charles III visited 50 Scouts and Girl Guides on Nyali Beach in southeastern Kenya, during last week’s royal visit, highlighting the work of the Tide Turners, a global United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)-led youth movement to combat plastic pollution.

Categorized Under: Global

Press Release
Among the decisions made at COP-5, Parties defined new dates to phase out mercury-added products including cosmetics, strengthened ties with Indigenous Peoples, advanced the first effectiveness evaluation of the Convention, and reached an agreement on a threshold for mercury waste.   Geneva, 4 November 2023 - With more than 800 participants and 900 online viewers, the fifth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to t

Categorized Under: Global

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