
Showing 426 - 450 of 631

631 results found

Chugging engines, smoking chimneys and thick ambient smog. Air pollution is directly responsible for up to one in five premature deaths in 19 Western Balkan cities, suggest preliminary results from a report led by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP).

Categorized Under: Europe

Insurance payments for restoring a coral reef after it has been smashed by a hurricane may seem a bit far-fetched. Nevertheless, this is one of a raft of measures being proposed for the world’s second largest reef.
A new UN Environment Programme report shows how waste management is closely linked to gender inequality “Women can’t be truck drivers because it is dirty work. How would she cook for her family in the evening with dirty hands?”

Categorized Under: Asia and the Pacific

Press Release
Industrial legacy has left behind carcinogens such as chromium and cobalt Project to monitor soil pollution identifies 14 priority industrial sites for remediation First-ever nationwide effort to improve sustainable land management in the Republic of Serbia Belgrade, 7 October 2019 – Fourteen former industrial sites have been shortlisted for remediation under the first-ever nationwide effor

Categorized Under: Europe

Story Transport
The global transport sector accounts for almost one quarter of energy-related carbon dioxide emissions, and this proportion is rising.

Categorized Under: Transport Africa

Press Release
New York, September 22, 2019 – A meeting of ministers and high-level representatives of the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) today agreed to accelerate efforts to significantly reduce short-lived climate pollutants by the end of the next decade in order to put the world on a “pathway that rapidly reduces warming in the near term and maximizes development, health, environmental, and food security benefits”.

Categorized Under: Global

Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, a World Heritage site, is one of the most iconic coral reefs. But it’s in serious trouble due to bleaching: a new Australian Government report has officially downgraded the reef’s outlook from poor to very poor.
On a sunny morning, 1,200 school children, aged between 8 and 14, headed to the beach to undertake the biggest climate action event ever seen in the historic Belgian coastal city of Ostend.

Categorized Under: Europe

On Sunday 22 September, roads around London Bridge, Tower Bridge and much of the City of London will be closed in an effort to tackle the city’s air pollution crisis.

Categorized Under: Europe

Story Transport
Bright lights brighten up the buzzing streets of Kathmandu at night. Markets spin with people, traffic weaving in and out of fabric shop fronts laden with orange, blue and turquoise clothes and wraps.    Thirty-year-old Sonika Manandhar is standing outside a conference hall. She has been working late, and bus services end at 8 p.m, so private hail rides are her only option.

Categorized Under: Transport Asia and the Pacific

Twenty-one-year-old Brazilian Anna Luisa Baserra always wanted to be a scientist. From washing liquid to shampoo, no household item escaped the potential for becoming the next scientific experiment.  “I used to play with my cousins, trying to make chemical compounds from any liquids we could find, mixing them up and pretending to be professional scientists,” she recalls.

Categorized Under: Latin America and the Caribbean

A new global coalition to combat sand and dust storms was launched at the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification Conference of Parties (UNCCD COP14) meeting in Delhi on 6 September. 
The cautionary tale of the boiling frog describes how a frog that jumps into boiling water will save itself by jumping straight out, but the frog that sits in the water while it gradually gets hotter and hotter will boil to death. 
It is the final countdown to the Climate Action Summit in New York on 23 September 2019. As the impacts of climate change define our time, now is the moment to do something about it. It will require an unprecedented effort from all sectors of society.

Categorized Under: North America

The small Scottish seaside town of St Andrews is replete with a rich history which includes a castle and Scotland’s oldest university, founded in 1413.

Categorized Under: Europe

Press Release
Trinidad and Tobago, 27 August 2019 – Caribbean Island States signalled their commitment to achieving a pollution-free future today, with representatives of nine Caribbean nations gathering to launch the Implementing Sustainable Low and Non-Chemical Development in Small Island Developing States (ISLANDS) programme in Port of Spain.

Categorized Under: Latin America and the Caribbean

Landfills around the world are filling up. In 2016, humanity generated over 2 billion tonnes of waste. In the next 30 years, that figure is expected to grow to 3.4 billion. Where will all this waste end up?

Categorized Under: Asia and the Pacific

Volunteering every weekend with humanitarian organizations is not for the faint-hearted. For Mani Yezid, a water and sanitation student in Burkina Faso, the work has been hard, but rewarding. “I really wanted to make a difference in my community,” he said. “I saw the great difference that our work made, and I wanted to continue helping others in my capacity as a student studying water and sanitation issues.”

Categorized Under: Africa

In June 2019, the Kingdom of Bahrain revealed its plans to ban plastic bags. The move took many by surprise. Ahmed Rajab, a photographer in Bahrain for the Gulf Daily News, is one supporter of the decision.

Categorized Under: West Asia

Without dissolved oxygen, fish cannot survive. Healthy water normally contains between 7-8 mg/l of the gas. Less than 5 mg/l is dangerous to marine life. And if the level drops to 1-2 mg/l for even a few hours, the result is catastrophic for fish and shellfish living in the ecosystem. Usually, a mass die-off occurs.

Categorized Under: Asia and the Pacific

Air pollution is a complex issue that is difficult to communicate to most people. What causes air pollution? How does it affect our children’s cognitive development? What does air pollution have to do with rising temperatures?

Categorized Under: Asia and the Pacific

When 27-year-old Peter Moll was young, his grandmother told him tales of the landscape and animals. From the semi-nomadic Maasai indigenous community in Kenya, his upbringing was closely tied to the environment. But then he learned about deforestation, poaching, resource extraction and pollution. With environmental conservation rooted in his heritage, he felt compelled to act.

Categorized Under: Africa

It’s close to midnight on a Sunday and the skies of Lagos hang dark over the glittering lights of the city’s 17.5 million residents. One of those lights is small fire in a field in Ikeja, the capital of Lagos State, where 24-year-old John stands, tossing cables into the flames.

Categorized Under: Africa

They have been dubbed the “Miracle Games”. After the original host country withdrew, many were wondering if there would be a 16th iteration of the Pacific Games at all in 2019.

Categorized Under: Asia and the Pacific

When 26-year-old Peter Sänger and 34-year-old Liang Wu got together, they realized right away that they had something in common. Both firm advocates in the fight against air pollution, they believe that if you can’t measure it, you can’t beat it.    

Categorized Under: Europe

Showing 426 - 450 of 631