
Showing 526 - 550 of 631

631 results found

Press Release
Berlin, 19 February 2019 – The mining sector, if carefully managed, presents enormous opportunities for advancing sustainable development, particularly in low-income countries, the International Resource Panel says in its latest report. The Panel calls for an international mineral agency – or a global treaty – to address priorities of transformation and economic diversification, along with concerns about security of supply.

Categorized Under: Global

For Sasiranga De Silva, the battle to save the planet must begin at home. Dismayed by traffic pollution in his native city of Colombo in Sri Lanka, the 33-year-old engineer and electric-vehicle fanatic set about finding the most effective way of tackling the harmful gases and noise that make life a misery for commuters.

Categorized Under: Asia and the Pacific

In India, Shiva is the god of destruction. His job is to destroy the universe to re-create it. Every morning, Hindu temple bells ring out across the mist. The sound mingles with chanting, as groups of people gather to offer orange and pink flowers, milk and incense.

Categorized Under: Asia and the Pacific

Ocean lovers are often left out of the bigger environmental discussions and so struggle to see how they can do their part to stop climate change.

Categorized Under: Asia and the Pacific

Monish Siripurapu’s air cooling system may be based on the design of a beehive but the Indian innovator’s inspiration did not come while he was striding through fields of flowers. He was actually in a stifling hot factory in New Delhi, where he was doing some design work.

Categorized Under: Asia and the Pacific

A recent spell of especially soupy air has Bangkok scrambling to disperse dangerous pollutants and protect residents against dire health impacts. The government has reacted quickly, clamping down on heavily polluting vehicles, deploying police and military to inspect factories and incinerators, shutting schools to protect children, and even deploying cloud-seeding planes to force rain and clear the air.

Categorized Under: Asia and the Pacific

As the Flipflopi glided towards Jomo Kenyatta Public Beach in Mombasa this week, scores of people gathered on the sand, craning their necks to catch a glimpse of the flamboyant dhow made from recycled plastic that has become an African icon for a new plastic revolution.

Categorized Under: Africa

UN Environment has been working with a broad range of partners to better assess the health of lake ecosystems in India, Kenya and the Philippines. Economic activity in and around Lake Naivasha, and the rapidly growing population, have placed mounting environmental pressure on this important source of freshwater in central southern Kenya.

Categorized Under: Africa

Every day, hundreds of thousands of pieces of lost or abandoned fishing equipment haunt the world’s oceans, killing indiscriminately and endangering marine life and livelihoods. As it drifts, this ghost fishing gear takes on a life of its own; trapping fish, entangling all kinds of animals from seabirds and turtles to dolphins and whales, and snagging or smothering coral reefs.

Categorized Under: Asia and the Pacific

Since Arpit Dhupar, founder of Chakr Innovation, won the Young Champions of the Earth prize for Asia and the Pacific region, his start-up has come a long way.

Categorized Under: Asia and the Pacific

Press Release
The world produces as much as 50 million tonnes of electronic and electrical waste (e-waste) a year, weighing more than all of the commercial airliners ever made. Only 20% of this is formally recycled. The e-waste produced annually is worth over $62.5 billion, more than the GDP of most countries.

Categorized Under: Africa

Press Release
Nairobi, 24 January 2019 – The first-ever global assessment of environmental rule of law finds weak enforcement to be a global trend that is exacerbating environmental threats, despite prolific growth in environmental laws and agencies worldwide over the last four decades.

Categorized Under: Global

Press Release
Lamu, 24 January 2019 – Kenya’s revolutionary Clean Seas-Flipflopi expedition – a boat made entirely from re-used plastic collected on beach clean-ups – set sail this morning, kicking off the first leg of its journey towards Zanzibar. The day before the departure, the crew got their sails ready for the journey cheered on by the local community and members of the press.

Categorized Under: Africa

All 41 member states in the UN Environment Programme’s Asia and the Pacific region are expected to attend the Forum, with a record number of high-level attendees, including a Head of State and a Head of Government. This signifies the strong commitment of the regional countries to come together to address transboundary environmental challenges. 23 January 2019, Singapore – Heads of state, ministers a
An interview with Silvia Calvó, Minister of Environment, Agriculture and Sustainability of Andorra  What do you think is the most pressing environmental issue today and why?

Categorized Under: Europe

As a metaphor for the back-to-basics simplicity needed to stem the toxic tide of plastic pollution engulfing the world’s seas, the image of a dhow sailing boat sliding silently through the tranquil waters of the Indian Ocean is peerless. Especially if that dhow is made from recycled plastic and thousands of discarded flip flops.

Categorized Under: Africa

On a cool and cloudy January day in the Chinese coastal city of Xiamen, tens of thousands of men and women pounded the streets in the first IAAF Gold Label road race of 2019. But this was a competition with a difference -- heavy on sustainability, light on single-use plastics and the first international marathon to join UN Environment’s Clean Seas campaign.

Categorized Under: Asia and the Pacific

The 2018 Young Champion of the Earth for Africa, Shady Rabab, recently visited Kibera during his first trip to Sub-Saharan Africa. His organization, the Rabab Luxor Art Collective, raises awareness about plastic pollution and turns waste into colorful musical instruments.

Categorized Under: Environment under review Africa

In November 2018, a new coral reef communication effort involving inter-governmental organizations, international conservation organizations, and private foundations was announced at the Convention on Biological Diversity in Egypt to send a message about the need for bold leadership to save coral reefs f
While there is no silver-bullet solution to the toxic tide of plastic surging into our oceans, recycling must form part of the answer. The problem, many experts say, is that current processes are not fit for purpose.
Every year, UN Environment publishes a myriad of content hoping to give you, our readers, a glimpse of what we do. We cover a wide range of environmental issues such as climate change, threats to ecosystems, biodiversity, energy, water, oceans, pollution, transport, air quality, wildlife, chemicals and waste, sustainable living and more.
Ukraine, dubbed the breadbasket of Europe, is a grain-producing country that feeds people in European markets and beyond. Its fertile great plains stretch as far as the eye can see, undulating grains interlaced with family-owned dachas each with its own fruit and vegetable patch. In 2018, Ukrainian farmers cultivated a total of 30 million hectares of land, an area about the size of Italy.

Categorized Under: Europe

“People are not living here, they are only surviving,” says Father Maurizio Binaghi as he surveys the sprawling, smoking Dandora landfill site from an elevated position on the grounds of the school he runs in Korogocho slum in Nairobi, Kenya. Dandora is one of Africa’s largest unregulated landfill sites.

Categorized Under: Africa

“We go now, we are going, we go now, please, please…we are leaving in one minute to Athi River,” shouts driver Samuel Mburu as he gesticulates to passing pedestrians, trying to entice them to get on his 23-seater bus (or matatu) in the Central Business District of Nairobi, Kenya.

Categorized Under: Africa

We’ve all been there. Slumped on the sofa, regretting those extra chocolates, feeling slightly sick and very full. But hey, we’ve worked hard all year and we deserve our festive overindulgence, don’t we? By January, we’ll be back in the gym, back on the diet, back on the straight-and-narrow. No harm done.

Showing 526 - 550 of 631