• All 41 member states in the UN Environment Programme’s Asia and the Pacific region are expected to attend the Forum, with a record number of high-level attendees, including a Head of State and a Head of Government.
  • This signifies the strong commitment of the regional countries to come together to address transboundary environmental challenges.

23 January 2019, Singapore – Heads of state, ministers and environmental authorities from 41 countries across Asia and the Pacific will meet in Singapore from 23 to 25 January 2019. They will discuss environmental issues in the world’s fastest-growing region, and identify key priorities and solutions. This is the first time that the Forum of Ministers and Environment Authorities of Asia and the Pacific is held outside of Bangkok.

Held under the auspices of the UN Environment Programme and hosted by the Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources, Singapore, the Forum will bring together governments, businesses, scientists, academia, NGOs, and UN agencies to address critical environmental challenges. The Forum will be held at the Marina Bay Sands Convention and Expo Centre.

“Asia and the Pacific’s 4 billion people are some of the most affected on the planet by environmental problems, with global warming, pollution, and ecosystem degradation putting lives and livelihoods at risk. But they are also the source of some of the most innovative solutions to these challenges, including trendsetting advances in sustainable consumption and production,” said Joyce Msuya, UN Environment Programme’s Acting Executive Director.

“Singapore is honoured to host the Third Forum of Ministers and Environment Authorities of Asia and the Pacific. The Forum will advance the global conversation on combatting key environmental issues, including climate change and the sustainable use of resources. Given that the Asia Pacific region is particularly vulnerable, countries of our region must come together to identify solutions. I am heartened to see the strong participation from Asia-Pacific governments at this Forum, which signals our joint commitment to address key environmental challenges,” said Masagos Zulkifli, Minister for the Environment and Water Resources, Singapore.

The Forum will discuss and decide on the most important environmental issues and innovations of the region to bring to the upcoming United Nations Environment Assembly, the world’s highest-level decision-making body on the environment.

There will be an exhibition showcasing solutions and progress. There will also be dialogues on major challenges, such as the participation of youth and women in achieving environmental goals, electrifying the transport sector, increasing green finance, reducing plastic pollution and adapting to the impacts of climate change. Understanding these challenges and preserving and rehabilitating our environment is at the heart of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

In the run-up to the Assembly, the UN Environment Programme is also leading a global campaign to #SolveDifferent. This campaign will focus on an informative and emotive approach to communicating the environmental costs of key consumption and production models. A number of these #SolveDifferent approaches will be highlighted at the Forum.


About the Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources (MEWR), Singapore

MEWR is committed to providing Singaporeans with a high quality living environment. Having achieved a clean and green environment, and a system to maintain and safeguard it, the Ministry’s goal is long-term environmental sustainability.

Together with its two statutory boards, the National Environment Agency (NEA) and PUB, the National Water Agency, MEWR continues to manage Singapore's limited resources and address Singapore's environmental sustainability challenges through innovation, vibrant partnerships and co-operation across the private, public and people sectors. 

Come 1 April 2019, a new statutory board, the Singapore Food Agency (SFA), will be formed under MEWR to oversee food safety and security.

About UN Environment

UN Environment is the leading global voice on the environment. It provides leadership and encourages partnership in caring for the environment by inspiring, informing, and enabling nations and peoples to improve their quality of life without compromising that of future generations. UN Environment works with governments, the private sector, civil society and with other UN entities and international organisations across the world.

About the UN Environment Assembly

The United Nations Environment Assembly is the world’s highest-level decision-making body on the environment. It addresses the critical environmental challenges facing the world today. Understanding these challenges and preserving and rehabilitating our environment is at the heart of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The Environment Assembly meets biennially to set priorities for global environmental policies and develop international environmental law. Through its resolutions and calls to action, the Assembly provides leadership and catalyses intergovernmental action on the environment. Decision-making requires broad participation, which is why the Assembly provides an opportunity for all peoples to help design solutions for our planet’s health.

The fourth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly will take place in Nairobi from 11 to 15 March 2019 under the theme “Innovative solutions for environmental challenges and sustainable consumption and production”.

For more information, please contact:

Peggy Lee Assistant Director, Strategic Communications & Media Operations Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources, Singapore Tel: +65 6731 9025 Email: peggy_lee@mewr.gov.sg


Adam Hodge Communications Consultant UN Environment Programme Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific Tel: +66 6-4837-7831 Email: adam.hodge@un.org

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All 41 member states in the UN Environment Programme’s Asia and the Pacific region are expected to attend the Forum, with a record number of high-level attendees,…
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