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648 results found

African ministers of health and environment discuss how to turn health and environmental policies into action. In the African region, 23% of deaths are linked to the environment. New environmental threats have emerged i

Categorized Under: Africa


The hum of moving garbage trucks and the squawks of scavenging birds at a sprawling landfill on the outskirts of Durban, South Africa, may seem to some like an unlikely location for a massively successful renewable energy project.

Categorized Under: Africa

Press Release

Geneva, 31 October 2018 – Athletics legend Paula Radcliffe has joined UN Environment’s work to beat air pollution - the single biggest environmental health risk of our time.

Categorized Under: Europe


Could fungi help us deal with our plastic addiction? Scientists at London’s Kew Botanical Gardens think so.

Categorized Under: Global

Press Release

Geneva, October 30, 2018: Millions of lives could be saved and one billion people living in Asia could be breathing clean air by 2030 if 25 simple and cost-effective measures are implemented, according to a new UN report.

Categorized Under: Asia and the Pacific


Australia becomes the latest country to join the movement to turn the tide on plastic, as Melissa Price, the country’s minister of the Environment, announces that the country is joining the Clean Seas campaign.

Categorized Under: Global


21 - 27 October is International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week - a call to action for individuals, civil society organizations, industry and governments to work together to ban lead paint.

Categorized Under: Europe


With an estimated 56 per cent of Africa’s urban population living in slums, wastewater management on the continent is a problem that needs urgent attention.

Categorized Under: Africa


Every year, UN Environment publishes a myriad of content hoping to give you, our readers, a glimpse of what we do.


Ukraine, dubbed the breadbasket of Europe, is a grain-producing country that feeds people in European markets and beyond.

Categorized Under: Europe


“People are not living here, they are only surviving,” says Father Maurizio Binaghi as he surveys the sprawling, smoking Dandora landfill site from an elevated position on the grounds of the school he runs in Korogocho slum in Nairobi, Kenya.

Categorized Under: Africa


“We go now, we are going, we go now, please, please…we are leaving in one minute to Athi River,” shouts driver Samuel Mburu as he gesticulates to passing pedestrians, trying to entice them to get on his 23-seater bus (or matatu) in the Central Busi

Categorized Under: Africa


We’ve all been there. Slumped on the sofa, regretting those extra chocolates, feeling slightly sick and very full. But hey, we’ve worked hard all year and we deserve our festive overindulgence, don’t we?


After her break-up with toxic plastic Sandra is celebrating Christmas with her family. But new relationships come with new challenges.

Press Release

Vienna, 17 December 2018 – The Convention for the Protection and Sustainable Development of the Carpathian Mountains was awarded a WWF Gift to the Earth award today, its highest accolade, at a ceremony at UN Environment offices in

Categorized Under: Europe


Today you made a decision that could change the face of the planet. You decided what to wear. When was the last time you looked in your wardrobe and couldn’t find anything suitable?

Categorized Under: Europe


CS Grewal, a powerfully-built man of 54, sporting a long grey beard, red turban and curved Shepard’s stick cuts a striking figure as he walks purposely across the land on the edge of his seven-acre organic vegetable farm in the state of Pubjab in n

Categorized Under: Asia and the Pacific

Press Release

Katowice, 7 December 2018 - Dramatic action will be needed by governments, cities and business if the global buildings and construction sector is to cut its carbon footprint in line with international agreements, according to a new report released

Categorized Under: Europe


UN Environment is working with governments to collect internationally coherent data on fossil fuel subsidies that can help advance global efforts to address climate change.


Millions of lives could be saved and one billion people living in Asia and the Pacific could be breathing clean air by 2030 if 25 simple and cost-effective measures are implemented, according to a new UN report.

Showing 441 - 460 of 648