FlipFlopi launches first ever prototype of marine-litter boat

Lamu, Kenya 15 September 2018 – Amid the rising momentum to beat plastic pollution globally, Kenya will today see the launch of the world’s first 100% recycled marine plastic boat into the Indian Ocean. The project, aptly named the FlipFlopi, used thousands of repurposed flip-flops and ocean plastic collected on beach clean-ups along the Kenyan coast for the construction of the prototype.

Flamboyant Flipflopi dhow seeks sea change in how we view plastic

Ben Morison’s epiphany came early one morning as he set out for a swim on Kenya’s Indian Ocean coast. The Kenyan tour operator counted 13 pieces of plastic, including bottles and flip flops, as he walked to the sea. With a jolt, he realized how degraded the coastline he loved – and marketed as a dream destination – had become. He had to act.

Health and environment: shaping a better future together in Africa

  • African ministers of health and environment discuss how to turn health and environmental policies into action.
  • In the African region, 23% of deaths are linked to the environment.
  • New environmental threats have emerged in recent decades, including climate change and rapid and unplanned urbanization.

Libreville, 5 November 2018Aiming to identify emerging environmental threats to peopl

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