Tranquil trailblazer: Flipflopi dhow to take its plastic revolution on Indian Ocean tour

As a metaphor for the back-to-basics simplicity needed to stem the toxic tide of plastic pollution engulfing the world’s seas, the image of a dhow sailing boat sliding silently through the tranquil waters of the Indian Ocean is peerless. Especially if that dhow is made from recycled plastic and thousands of discarded flip flops.

Clean Seas-Flipflopi expedition hits the waves to beat plastic pollution

Lamu, 24 January 2019 – Kenya’s revolutionary Clean Seas-Flipflopi expedition – a boat made entirely from re-used plastic collected on beach clean-ups – set sail this morning, kicking off the first leg of its journey towards Zanzibar. The day before the departure, the crew got their sails ready for the journey cheered on by the local community and members of the press.

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