Resumed segment of UNEA-5 to address chemicals, marine plastics, green recovery

Chemicals and waste management, marine litter and a green recovery from COVID-19 are some of the issues the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA-5.2) will address when it convenes for the second part of its fifth session. Environment ministers are also expected to adopt a declaration on strengthening actions for nature to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals

How a source-to-sea approach can curb the threat of plastic pollution

The ocean is home to coral reefs, the longest mountain chain in the world, ocean trenches and over 220,000 known species. It is also home to around 75 -199 million tons of plastic pollution.

By 2040, if changes aren’t urgently made, plastic pollution flowing into the ocean may increase from approximately 11 million metric tons a year to up to 37 million metric tons a year.

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