A sailboat, made partially from flip-flops, takes on Africa’s biggest lake

Early last year a dhow – a traditional East African sailing vessel – travelled over 500km south down the coasts of Kenya and Tanzania, calling in at nearly a half-dozen ports along the way.

It’s a trip made by many boats. However, the Flipflopi was a dhow with a difference. Rather than the traditional wooden construction, the 10-metre, seven-tonne vessel was made entirely from waste plastic collected on Kenya’s beaches.

On the mend: the ozone layer

Every 16 September, World Ozone Day reminds us of the need to protect the ozone – a thin, protective layer of gas that absorbs most of the sun's harmful ultraviolet light. In doing so, the ozone layer helps protect humans from skin cancer and cataracts, and shields plants, crops and ecosystems from damage. The year 2020 marks more than three decades of global efforts to conserve and restore the ozone – which have paid off.

D(air) to dream of a cleaner future for your city

In 2019, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) made recommendations for Kazakhstan to improve how it raises awareness on air pollution and alerts the public of high pollution levels, including by involving citizen science. Since, 50 LED screens have lit up across Almaty, displaying air quality data drawing from citizens.

Farm fresh: change is in the air

Late last year, flights were diverted from Delhi, thousands of schools were closed and people in the Indian capital were advised to stay indoors or wear masks. 

You might assume that these precautions were related to some kind of viral outbreak. But, in fact, they were a response to a spike in air pollution, which imperiled residents and decreased visibility so dramatically that airline travel became hazardous.

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