Pledging to plog around Asia

When Chakravorty, a 31-year-old journalist at the Indian Express, discovered that plastic pollution is so pervasive that it affects our food supply, he was shocked.

“I was staggered to say the least,” he explains. “I felt that writing about the issue was not enough, so I decided to embark on a plogging journey—a combination of jogging with picking up litter.”

A vision to curtail pollutants and pollution in the Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic has one of the most dynamic and diverse manufacturing sectors in the Caribbean, which implies the use of hazardous chemicals. As a Party to the Basel, Stockholm, Rotterdam, and Minamata Conventions the Dominican Republic aims to raise awareness of the dangers and risks of chemicals on human health and the environment and establish guidelines on how to address them.

The most polluted capital in Europe, you didn’t even know about

“Mama, why do I have to wear this again? It hurts my mouth,” says Norik, 5, to his mother, Igballe, before she puts a small, child-size air pollution mask over his face.

Igballe Ferati, a finance specialist, makes the usual walk to a local kindergarten every weekday with Norik along the streets of central Skopje, a city which often experiences dangerous levels of air pollution.

What’s the big deal about dirt?

World Soil Day on 5 December reminds us why healthy soil is vital, how pollution affects it and what can be done.

Did you know that a handful of soil can contain millions of bacteria and fungi as well as tiny insects and strange, microscopic animals like tardigrades? Healthy soil depends on a vibrant range of life forms living below the ground, but across the globe it’s being severely damaged by pollution.

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