Cleaning up couture: what’s in your jeans?

Today you made a decision that could change the face of the planet. You decided what to wear.

When was the last time you looked in your wardrobe and couldn’t find anything suitable?

Screen stars on Netflix wear stunning but different couture in every episode. Celebrities boast cutting edge design, always pictured in a new outfit. Are you keeping up? Don’t worry. The latest news is that you don’t have to.

Fake pesticides, real problems: addressing Ukraine’s illegal and counterfeit pesticides problem

Ukraine, dubbed the breadbasket of Europe, is a grain-producing country that feeds people in European markets and beyond. Its fertile great plains stretch as far as the eye can see, undulating grains interlaced with family-owned dachas each with its own fruit and vegetable patch. In 2018, Ukrainian farmers cultivated a total of 30 million hectares of land, an area about the size of Italy.

Best of 2018 - our readers' pick

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We cover a wide range of environmental issues such as climate change, threats to ecosystems, biodiversity, energy, water, oceans, pollution, transport, air quality, wildlife, chemicals and waste, sustainable living and more.

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