Taming the sputtering tuk tuk: Sri Lankan innovator develops affordable electric conversion kit

For Sasiranga De Silva, the battle to save the planet must begin at home. Dismayed by traffic pollution in his native city of Colombo in Sri Lanka, the 33-year-old engineer and electric-vehicle fanatic set about finding the most effective way of tackling the harmful gases and noise that make life a misery for commuters.

Over the past 30 years, I have seen huge changes

An interview with mountain racer Kílian Jornet

Ultra-runner Kílian Jornet has climbed the world’s highest peaks and set records at some of the most demanding sports events on Earth. In this interview with UN Environment, the renowned mountain racer reveals how he takes on such challenges, describes the environmental change he has witnessed and lays out his vision for us to enjoy mountains sustainably.

A novel way to purify water

An interview with Francesca O'Hanlon, founder of Blue Tap

This year’s World Water Day on 22 March celebrates water for all.

It is a human right to have access—without discrimination—to sufficient, safe, physically accessible and affordable water for personal and domestic use.  

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