• Vista general

The webinar will explore the role of UNEP in the Caribbean regarding the conservation of biodiversity and their habitats and promote concepts and values that encourage the audience to understand the role of each species in maintaining ecosystem balance and the importance of protecting them

Agenda Topics Include: 

The State of Caribbean Biodiversity: Challenges, Opportunities and Link to Human Well-being: Christopher Cox, Task Manager, Caribbean portfolio, GEF Biodiversity and Land Degradation Unit, UNEP Latin America and the Caribbean

Diving into the current state of  mangroves, Seagrass beds and coral reefs in the wider CaribbeanIleana Lopez, SPAW Programme Officer, UNEP Cartagena Convention Secretariat

Conserving Biodiversity through Integrated Land, Water and Ecosystems Management in Caribbean SIDS-Donna Sue Spencer, Communications Specialist, GEF-IWECO Project

Date: May 27, 2020 

Time: 12:30pm (Kingston, Jamaica)

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