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This event is the concluding webinar of a series focusing on the Water-Energy-Food Nexus (WEF). These webinars aimed at providing a throughout understanding of why implementing the WEF is essential for human well-being, poverty alleviation, and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The webinar will provide the audience with the opportunity to engage in a final discussion with the experts, some of them who joined the previous webinars, regarding the WEF Nexus.

The webinar will be held on Wednesday, 8 July 2020, 3:00-4:30 PM EAT.

Please register here.
For more information, please visit the webpage of the event.

Photo Credit: Riccardo Zennaro/UNEP

Birguy Lamizana: birguy.lamizana@un.org
Meseret Zemedkun: meseret.zemedkun@un.org