Launched in 2016 and coordinated by the CBD Secretariat, FAO and UNEP, the Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) Global Dialogue with Regional Seas Organizations (RSOs) and Regional Fishery Bodies (RFBs) has gained global recognition as an important platform to catalyze improved regional cooperation and collaboration, strengthen linkages between global and regional ocean processes and identify means to better support national implementation. Discussions under the SOI Global Dialogue have evolved over time to address key timely issues of central relevance to global, regional and national ocean priorities. The fourth meeting of the SOI Global Dialogue was held in June 2024 and had a central focus on the monitoring and implementation of the Global Biodiversity Framework and enhancing understanding of the key roles of global and regional bodies in the context of the Agreement under UNCLOS on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine Biological Diversity of Areas beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ Agreement). In view of the important discussions to be held at COP 16, this side event will be a valuable opportunity to update COP delegates on forwardlooking discussions under the SOI Global Dialogue, hear about various initiatives and progress at the regional-scale and highlight opportunities and approaches for various global and regional organizations to play their key roles in the context ofthe evolving global ocean policy framework.