• Vista general
  • Contacto

The purpose of the GEF IWEco 3rd Regional Project Steering Committee Meeting is to:-

  • Provide a refresher on the objectives of the GEF IWEco Project and expected outcomes (based on Results Framework);

  • Present financial status of the project, expenditures so far, and budget for the next year;

  • Provide an update on the status of the project activities (Partners and Participating Countries to present);

  • Present and discuss the Work Plan for 2019, communication and monitoring mechanisms;

  • Discuss the need for a Project Extension request to the main donor (GEF);

  • Identify opportunities for collaboration with other regional programmes,

  • projects and private sector initiatives.

The GEF IWEco 3rd Regional Project Steering Committee Meeting will
be convened at the:
Dominican Fiesta Hotel and Casino
Address: Av. Anacaona 101, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Tel. +1 809-562-8222
Website: https://en.dominicanfiestahotelcasino.com

Donna Sue Spencer
Communications Specialist
GEF IWEco Project
Phone:  1(876)-922-9267/9; Ext. 6225
Email: donna.spencer@un.org
Skype: dsuespencer
United Nations Environment Programme
14-20 Port Royal Street
Kingston, Jamaica