The Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI) is collaborating with UN Environment, through the Caribbean Regional Coordinating Unit (CAR/RCU), to develop a Regional Strategy and Action Plan for the Valuation, Protection and Restoration of Key Marine Habitats in the CLME+. As part of this initiative, a report on the State of Marine Ecosystems and shared Living Marine Resource in the Wider Caribbean and (CLME+ and Gulf of Mexico) is being prepared to set the context and establish a baseline for the regional strategy and action plan.
These documents are being developed in support of the implementation of the 10-year Strategic Action Programme (SAP) for the sustainable management of shared Living Marine Resources in the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems (CLME+ region).
Photo Credit: David Barajas on Unsplash
Regional Workshop on Development of the Report on the “State of Marine Ecosystems and shared Living Marine Resource in the Wider Caribbean (CLME+ and Gulf of Mexico)” and Regional Strategy and Action Plan for the Valuation, Protection and/or Restoration of Key Marine Habitats in the CLME+