The Tenth Ordinary Steering Committee Meeting of the Regional Marine Pollution Emergency, Information and Training Centre – Caribe (RAC REMPEITC-Caribe) was held in Willemstad, Curacao from 18th to 19th May 2022.
Focal points of the Cartagena Convention’s Oil Spills Protocol met to review the status of implementation of RAC REMPEITC-Caribe’s 2018-2021 work programme, review and endorse the 2022-2023 work plan, and develop recommendations for adoption by the 20th Intergovernmental Meeting on the Action Plan of the Caribbean Environment Programme and 17th Conference of Parties to the Cartagena Convention. Also present at the meeting were representatives from the Cartagena Convention Secretariat, International Maritime Organization (IMO), the Government of Curacao and partner organizations that attended as observers.
At the opening ceremony, Mr. Charlton Hato, Minister of Justice of Curacao, conveyed his appreciation to the staff of RAC REMPEITC-Caribe, the Steering Committee, and all supporters of the Centre. He expressed his pleasure in hosting the meeting and emphasized the need for more vigilance and attention in the prevention of pollution, particularly as more exploration and drilling have been taking place in the region. Minister Hato also thanked the International Maritime Organization and the United Nations Environment Programme for the standards they have set for international shipping. Minister Hato spoke on behalf of the Honourable Charles Cooper, Minister of Traffic, Transport and Urban Planning of Curacao.
Ms. Patricia Charlebois, Deputy Director of the Marine Environment Division at the IMO, explained to the meeting in her welcome remarks that 18th May 2022 was being celebrated as the first IMO International Day for Women in Maritime, under the theme “Training-Visibility-Recognition- Supporting a barrier-free working environment for women in maritime.” She added that the IMO has been a strong supporter of RAC REMPEITC-Caribe and will continue to place utmost priority and importance on this longstanding partnership. She acknowledged the support of the Cartagena Convention Secretariat, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Jamaica, the United States of America, as well as industry and private sector partners.
Mr. Christopher Corbin, Acting Coordinator of the Cartagena Convention Secretariat, congratulated the staff of RAC REMPEITC-Centre for their tremendous achievements despite the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. He reiterated the commitment of the Secretariat to ensuring the sustainability of the Centre and, in that regard, acknowledged the support provided by the Governments of Jamaica and the USA. He also added that there was a continued need to build capacity, resilience, reduce vulnerability and maximize on new economic development opportunities. Solutions, he explained, must be integrated and could only be done through partnerships, especially those within the industry and private sector.
Some of the meeting highlights:
- The Secretariat reiterated its commitment to work more closely with its Regional Activity Centres, and help to strengthen capacity building, strategic planning and resource mobilization.
- The 2022-2023 work plan was endorsed by focal points. It includes various thematic national and regional workshops to bolster oil spill preparedness and response.
- RAC REMPEITC-Caribe’s new website ( was presented to the meeting. The website is now more user-friendly and information is still being uploaded.
- Participants discussed the effects on the marine environment resulting from the sargassum influx, ballast water and Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease.
- Curacao’s recently completed its National Oil Spill Contingency Plan which is being reviewed for approval. The plan will be updated every 3 years.
- Ms. Carla Bikker, Director of RAC REMPEITC-Caribe, presented on the status of the institutional arrangements of the Centre. She thanked UNEP, the IMO, IPIECA and other partners for their support and commended the following governments for their contributions: Kingdom of the Netherlands, France, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, United States of America and Venezuela.
- Lieutenant Commanders Floyd Patterson and Lukas Rodriguez gave presentations on the Centre’s activities for the periods 2018 – 2020 (May) and 2020 (June) to 2021, respectively.
- Commander Wes James made a presentation to LCDR Patterson on behalf of the US Coast Guard for his contribution to RAC REMPEITC and the marine environment of the Wider Caribbean, and a Certificate of Appreciation to Ms. Bikker for outstanding service to RAC REMPEITC and the Wider Caribbean. Mr. Rigolette Thode, Policy Advisor, representing the Honourable Minister Charles Cooper, made presentations to LCDR Patterson and Ms. Gisette Seferina, Chairperson of the meeting.
At the end of the meeting, the Steering Committee adopted Recommendations regarding the Centre’s Strategic Plan, ballast water management, Oil Spill National Contingency Plans and the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL).