05 Mar 2021 Blogpost

UNEP/ICRI Small-Scale Grants Programme

Applications are now open for the 2nd UNEP-ICRI small grants programme 2021 to support the conservation and restoration of coral reefs, mangroves and seagrass.

The programme is a joint initiative of the UNEP Coral Reef Unit and the International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI) and is open to governments, NGOs and community groups, for projects implemented in developing countries, least developed countries and small island developing states.

Grants up to USD 80,000 will be awarded to projects aimed at protecting and restoring coastal marine ecosystems, with particular emphasis on payment for ecosystem services, ecosystem restoration, blue carbon, marine protected areas, locally managed marine areas and action on UNEP’s strategic pillars climate stability, living in harmony with nature and a pollution-free planet.

Examples of activities that would qualify for this grant include, inter alia:

•           Community-based ecosystem restoration;

•           Development, management and sustainable financing of locally managed marine areas or marine   

             protected areas;

•           Community-based blue carbon projects;

•           Co-management of marine resources through public and private partnerships;

•           Payment for coastal ecosystem services projects;

•           Mainstreaming of gender in coastal ecosystem management.


Important dates

•           1 March 2021: Announcement / Call for concept notes

•           31 March 2021: Closing date for submission of concept notes

•           15 April 2021: Invitation for submission of full proposals

•           15 May 2021: Submission of full proposals

•           31 May 2021: Notification of successful recipients


For more information on how to apply for the small grants programme, please visit: https://www.icriforum.org/unep-icri-small-scale-grants-programme/.