Ninth Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Protocol Concerning Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife in the Wider Caribbean Region (SPAW), 13 March 2017
Provisional Agenda
DownloadProvisional Annotated Agenda
DownloadGuidance document - Criteria and process to assess exemptions under Article 11(2) of the Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife Protocol (SPAW) (includes draft format for reporting exemptions)
DownloadProposal for Protected Area to be listed under the SPAW Protocol
DownloadWorkplan and Budget of the Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife (SPAW) Subprogramme for the 2017-2018 Biennium
DownloadReport of the Seventh Meeting of the Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) to the Protocol concerning Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife (SPAW) in the Wider Caribbean Region, Miami, Florida, 2 ‐ 4 November 2016
DownloadDecisions of the Ninth Meeting of the Contracting Parties (COP) to the Protocol Concerning Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife (SPAW) in the Wider Caribbean Region, Cayenne, French Guiana, 13 March 2017
DownloadREPORT OF THE MEETING - Ninth Meeting of the Contracting Parties (COP) to the Protocol Concerning Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife (SPAW) in the Wider Caribbean Region Cayenne, French Guiana, 13 March 2017
DownloadProvisional List of Documents
DownloadProvisional List of Participants
DownloadSpecies Listed under the Annexes of the SPAW Protocol
DownloadGCRMN - Caribbean Guidelines for Integrated Coral Reef Monitoring
DownloadReporting Format for Exemptions under Article 11(2) of the Specially Protected Areas And Wildlife Protocol (SPAW) - (includes case study from the Government of Curaçao)
DownloadReport of the Working Group on the Listing of Species under the Annexes to the SPAW Protocol
DownloadMap of SPAW protected areas already listed in 2012 and 2014, and protected areas to be listed
DownloadStatus of Activities of the SPAW Subprogramme for 2015-2016 (includes status of STAC6 Recommendations and COP8 Decisions)
DownloadReport of the SPAW Regional Activity Centre (SPAW-RAC) in Guadeloupe: operations and budget for the period 2015-2016
DownloadUpdate on the Caribbean Marine Protected Areas Management Network and Forum (CaMPAM) and its major activities (includes supplement on the ongoing Climate Resilient Eastern Caribbean Marine Managed Areas Network (ECMMAN) Project)
DownloadEvaluation of CaMPAM Activities and Recommendations for Improvement - An analysis of the last 15 years
DownloadSpecies proposals submitted by Parties for listing under the Annexes of the SPAW Protocol
DownloadProposal to include 8 shark and ray species in Annexes II and III of the Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife (SPAW) Protocol
DownloadDiscussion on management conflicts due to species listed in Annexes of the SPAW Protocol - (French delegation)
DownloadSargassum Management Brief - Golden Tides: Management Best Practices for Influxes of Sargassum in the Caribbean with a focus on clean-up
DownloadAgoa Caribbean Marine Mammals Preservation Network (CARI’MAM) White Paper: Strengthen Regional Cooperation for The Conservation of Marine Mammals within the Caribbean Region and Beyond
DownloadPlan de Manejo del Santuario de Mamíferos Marinos de los Bancos de La Plata y La Navidad – República Dominicana (Español solamente)
DownloadPaper on The Sargassum Seaweed Invasion of West African and Caribbean Coasts UNEA-2 Side Event
DownloadOverarching Principles and Best Practice Guidelines for Marine Mammal Watching in the Wider Caribbean Region (WCR)
DownloadCaribbean Sargassum Summary Factsheet
DownloadGCFI Factsheet - Pelagic Sargassum Influx in the Wider Caribbean
DownloadThe Sister Sanctuaries Program for Marine Mammals in the Wider Caribbean – A US/NOAA, Dominican Republic, France and the Netherlands Initiative
DownloadGCRMN-Caribbean Guidelines for Coral Reef Biophysical Monitoring
DownloadFactsheet - Action Plan for the Conservation of Marine Mammals (MMAP) in the Wider Caribbean Region
DownloadGlobal Coral Reef Partnership of UNEP and the Regional Seas Conventions and Action Plans Factsheets
DownloadBeyond Borders Protection the North Atlantic Humpback Whale Sister Sanctuary Program White Paper: A Strategy for Advancing Humpback Whale Conservation and Transboundary Management - October 2016
DownloadThe GEF Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem (CLME+) Project and its joint implementation through the AMEP and SPAW Subprogrammes
DownloadAnnex A and C (Agreement) – CLME+: Catalysing Implementation of Strategic Action Programme for the Sustainable Management of shared Living Marine Resources in the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems
DownloadReport of the Working Group to Develop the Criteria and Process to Assess Exemptions Under Article 11(2) of the SPAW Protocol (includes draft guidance document)
DownloadReport of the Sixth Meeting of the Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) to the Protocol concerning Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife (SPAW) in the Wider Caribbean Region, Cartagena, Colombia, 8 December 2014
DownloadThe GEF Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem (CLME+) and the outcomes of the Reef Biodiversity and Reef Fisheries Pilot Project: Summary Report, Best Practices and Lessons Learnt
DownloadProposal of the United States of America for the inclusion of the Nassau Grouper (Epinephelus striatus) in Annex III of the Protocol on Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife in the Wider Caribbean Region of the Convention for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment in the Wider Caribbean Region
DownloadReport of the Eighth Meeting of the Contracting Parties (COP) to the Protocol Concerning Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife (SPAW) in the Wider Caribbean Region, Cartagena, Colombia, 9 December 2014
DownloadNassau Grouper, Epinephelus striatus (Bloch 1792) Biological Report
DownloadWorkplan and Budget for the SPAW Regional Programme for the 2015-2016 Biennium
DownloadA Proposal for Bird Species to be Added to Annexes II and III of the SPAW Protocol (English only)
DownloadCLME+ Strategic Action Programme (SAP) Information Booklet (v1.3), 2016
DownloadUNEP Medium Term Strategy 2018-2021
DownloadReport on the LifeWeb-Spain UNEP-CEP Meeting on Scenarios for Transboundary Marine Mammal Management in the Wider Caribbean, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 23 - 24 April 2014
DownloadReport of the First Meeting of Managers of the Protected Areas Listed under the SPAW Protocol of the Cartagena Convention at the 66th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute (GCFI) Conference, Corpus Christi, Texas, USA, November 5, 2013
DownloadReport on the Workshop of Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network (GCRMN) for the Wider Caribbean: Review, improve and revitalize the network and the nodes for more effective coral reef monitoring and data management, Curacao, 6-8 August 2014
DownloadStatus of Development of the Regional Strategy for the Control of the Lionfish Invasion in the Wider Caribbean Region
DownloadExemptions to the SPAW Protocol Under Article 11(2): A Legal Review
DownloadNassau Grouper, Epinephelus striatus (Bloch 1792) Biological Report
DownloadIUCN Caribbean Red List of Threatened Species – A Proposal
DownloadReport of the Sixteenth Intergovernmental Meeting on the Action Plan for the Caribbean Environment Programme and the Twelfth Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Convention for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment of the
DownloadWorkplan and Budget for the SPAW Regional Programme for the 2015-2016 Biennium
DownloadA Proposal for Bird Species to be Added to Annexes II and III of the SPAW Protocol (English only)
DownloadDecisions of the Meeting - Seventh Meeting of the Contracting Parties (COP) to the Protocol concerning Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife (SPAW) in the Wider Caribbean Region, Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, 23 October 2012
DownloadTemplate for National Reporting on the Cartagena Convention and its Protocols
DownloadGrid for the Objective Evaluation of Proposals for Inclusion in the SPAW Protected Areas List
DownloadProposed Legal Framework for the Administrative Technical and Financial Operations of RACs and RANs
DownloadRules of Procedure for the Convention for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment of the Wider Caribbean Region (Cartagena Convention)
DownloadStructure and Scope of the Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) of the SPAW Protocol
DownloadAction Plan for the Conservation of Marine Mammals (MMAP) in the Wider Caribbean Region. United Nations Environment Programme – Caribbean Environment Programme, Kingston, Jamaica. 2008
DownloadFinal Act of the Conference of Plenipotentiaries for the Adoption of the Annexes to the Protocol Concerning Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife in the Wider Caribbean Region
DownloadFinal Act of the Conference of Plenipotentiaries Concerning Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife in the Caribbean Region
DownloadConvention for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment of the Wider Caribbean Region, Protocol Concerning Cooperation in Combating Oil Spills, Protocol Concerning Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife and the Protocol Concerning Pollution from Land-Based Sources and Activities
DownloadCandidatures Des Réserves Naturelles À La Convention De Carthagène
DownloadGrand Connetable Island National Nature Reserve - Marine Biodiversity Sanctuary in Amazonia
DownloadWorkplan and Budget for the Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife 2017-2018
DownloadStatus of Activities of The SPAW Sub-Programme 2015-2016