CEP Technical Report 19

Environmental Problems Affecting the Coastal and Marine Environment in the Wider Caribbean Region.

The obejective of the present document is to provide an assessment of the main environmental problems affecting the marine and costal environment in the Wider Caribbean region, with some analysis of the emerging environmental problems and of the constraints on the environmentally sound sustainable development.

CEP Technical Report 39

Coastal Tourism in the Wider Caribbean Region: Impacts and Best Management Practices.

The tourism product in the Wider Caribbean is largely dependent on the natural resource base; that is, on the physical environment. The traditional marketing approach of selling “sand, sea, and sun” has created a mind-set that has resulted in the concentration of tourist facilities in the coastal areas of the islands.


Eighteenth Intergovernmental Meeting on the Action Plan for the Caribbean Environment Programme and Fifteenth Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Convention for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment of the Wider Caribbean Region - June 5-6, 2019

The information note can be accessed here.


CEP Technical Report 09

Report on the CEPPOL Seminar on Monitoring And Control of Sanitary Quality of Bathing And Shellfish-growing Marine Waters in The Wider Caribbean, Kingston, Jamaica, 8-12 April 1991.

This document provides the detailed agenda items and summary of the CEPPOL Seminar. It notes the IOC/UNEP Regional Workshop which established the joint IOC/UNEP CEPPOL Programme as a regionally co-ordinated comprehensive programme for the assessment and control of marine pollution in the Wider Caribbean.

CEP Technical Report 08

Report of the CEPPOL Regional Workshop on Coastal Water Quality Criteria and Effluent Guidelines for the Wider Caribbean, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 5-15 November 1990.

The document reports on the results of the Workshop on "Coastal Water Quality Criteria and Effluent Guidelines for the Caribbean" that took place in San Juan, Puerto Rico 5-15 November 1990 as part of the activities of the CEPPOL Programme

CEP Technical Report 07

The Transboundary Movement of Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes in the Wider Caribbean Region: A Call for a Legal Instrument within the Cartagena Convention.

This document presents the source, scope and inventory by country of the Wider Caribbean Region’s waste trade problem, along with political initiatives leading to a waste trade ban within the Cartagena Convention.

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