CEP Technical Report 02

Regional Overview of Environmental Problems and Priorities Affecting the Coastal and Marine Resources of the Wider Caribbean Region.

The purpose of this regional overview is to highlight problems and issues of regional concern in order that they will be considered in the preparation of a long-term strategy for the development of the Caribbean Environment Programme. In addition, the overview has endeavoured to reflect a consensual view of the relationships between environmental and development issues that confront the States and territories of the Wider Caribbean region.

CEP Technical Report 01

The Action Plan for the Caribbean Environment Programme: Evaluation of Its Development and Achievements (1976-1987).

The present document constitutes an in-depth evaluation of the Action Plan for the Caribbean Environment Programme. It covers the preparatory activities initiated in 1976 leading to its adoption in April 1981, and its implementation until the end of 1987.

Webinar: People Managing Oceans

The Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI) Invites You to a Webinar to Learn More about the Recently Developed “2018-2030 Civil Society Action Programme for the Sustainable Management of the Shared Living Marine Resources of the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems (CLME+ C-SAP)”

Who’s invited:

After record Sargassum influx, CRFM initiates fact-finding study in CARICOM States with support from Japan

BELIZE CITY, BELIZE, WEDNESDAY, 23 January 2019 (CRFM)—The Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) has initiated a regional fact-finding study to document the record-breaking influx of Sargassum seaweed in the Caribbean Sea in 2018, and the impacts this phenomenon has been having on countries in the region since 2011.

Pelagic Sargasssum Influx in the Wider Caribbean

Massive quantities of pelagic sargassum occurred throughout the Caribbean in 2011, impacting aquatic resources, fisheries, shorelines, waterways, and tourism. Similar events have occurred since then, with a particularly heavy influx of sargassum observed during 2015. This Fact Sheet seeks to share the state of knowledge about the sargassum influx and to promote the adoption of best management practices.

Marine litter in the Ocean

UNEP’s Caribbean Environment Programme reminds of the deadly impact of Marine litter in the Ocean in recognition of World Oceans Day

June 8th was World Oceans Day, designated by the United Nations as a global day to highlight the value of our oceans. We often don’t realize the significance of our oceans though they cover over 70% of the earth’s surface, support humankind, the greatest biodiversity on the planet, and, regulate the world’s climate.

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