All Laureates

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38 results found

Dr. Massoumeh Ebtekar
Current Vice President of Iran and Former Head of Environment of Iran

Dr. Massoumeh Ebtekar served as Vice President of the Islamic Republic and Head of the Department of Environment from 1997-2005 during the reformist government of Seyyed Mohammad Khatami. Dr. Ebtekar believes that the remarkable achievements of this period were made possible due to the tireless efforts of a coherent and competent team of…

Prof. Tommy Koh Thong Bee
Current Special Advisor to the Institute of Policy Studies and Former Executive Director of the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF)

As President of Third UN Conference on the Law of the Sea (1980-1982) and as the Chairman of Preparatory Committee and of the Main Committee of the UN Conference on Environment and Development (1990-1992), Professor Tommy Koh of Singapore has contributed greatly to promoting international environmental cooperation. These events are only two of…

Dr. Mohamed El-Ashry
Senior Fellow, Energy and Climate, with the UN Foundation

Dr. Mohamed T. El- Ashry currently serves as a Senior Fellow at the United Nations Foundation. Prior to joining the foundation, Dr. El-Ashry served as Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Global Environment Facility (GEF). He served as the GEF Chairman between 1991 and 2002, and was appointed the first CEO and Chairman of the GEF in…

Dr. Rosa Elena Simeon Negrin
Former Cuban Minister of Science, Technology and the Environment

The steadfast, committed and selfless work of Dr. Rosa Elena Simeón Negrín has been vital for fostering the notions of sustainability amongst and raising the environmental awareness of Cubans.

She took on a position of leadership, which was to continue for some 20 years, just at a time when the issue of the environment was beginning to…

Bhutan, a kingdom under the reign of Druk Gyalpo (Dragon King) Jigme Singye Wangchuck, has the environment as the centrepiece in its constitution and all of its national development plans. Bhutan has an excellent track record in the field of environment - more than 74% of its land is under forest cover and 26% of this cover is protected areas…

His Highness Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan
First President of the United Arab Emirates

His Highness Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan, President of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), is popularly known as 'The Man of the Arab Environment'. Under his leadership, development activities have touched all aspects of life in the UAE with agriculture and afforestation as the focus of his main concerns

One of Sheikh Zayed's most…

President Thabo Mbeki and the People of South Africa
Former President of South Africa

President Thabo Mbeki and the people of South Africa’s commitment to cultural and environmental diversity and their efforts towards achieving the goals encapsulated in the Millennium Declaration of 2000 and the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation adopted at the World Summit for Sustainable Development (WSSD) in 2002 are noteworthy.


Mr. Zhou Qiang
Honorary Chairman of the All-China Youth Federation

Mr. Zhou Qiang currently occupies the most senior position in southern China’s Hunan Province as Party Secretary. From 2006 to 2010, Mr. Zhou was the governor of Hunan and during his tenure he dedicated himself to transforming the province into a model of environmental sustainability, calling on the protection of the Dongting Lake, China’s…