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Showing 221 - 240 of 316

316 results found

Policy Leadership

Michelle Bachelet, President of the Republic of Chile, was recognized in the Policy Leadership category for her outstanding leadership in creating marine protected areas and boosting renewable energy.

Science and Innovation

Dr Paul A. Newman & NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center won in the Science and Innovation category, for outstanding contributions to the Montreal Protocol – which has phased out 99 per cent of ozone-depleting substances and led to the healing of the ozone layer.

Inspiration and Action

Born in Paris, France, and recognized as a member of the Academie des Beaux-Arts, Yann Arthus-Bertrand is a photographer, reporter and environmentalist specializing in wildlife and aerial photography. He has published over 60 books and his photographs have appeared in numerous publications around the world.

Policy Leadership

As the Minister of the Environment and International Development of Norway, Erik Solheim put into place the Nature Diversity Act and the Norwegian Climate and Forest Initiative, which facilitates close cooperation with Brazil, Indonesia and Guyana to conserve rainforests and provided critical input to the establishment of UN Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Deg

Science and Innovation

Janine Benyus is the Co-founder of Biomimicry 3.8. She is a biologist, innovation consultant, and author of six books, including Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature.

Policy Leadership

Kevin M. Conrad is a Papua New Guinean lawyer and environmentalist, whose efforts have centered on reducing deforestation, strengthening forest conservation and recognizing the value of tropical forest ecosystems.

Entrepreneurial Vision

In 2004, Ron Gonen co-founded Recyclebank, a company that brings together businesses, schools, communities and individuals to promote household recycling and more sustainable lifestyles.

Inspiration and Action

Tena Kebena is a non-governmental organization in Ethiopia that brings together around 80 children and youth who have been mostly orphaned by the HIV/AIDS pandemic. The group cleans up and rehabilitates garbage dumpsites around Addiss Ababa through reforestation.

Latin America and the Caribbean

The steadfast, committed and selfless work of Dr. Rosa Elena Simeón Negrín has been vital for fostering the notions of sustainability amongst and raising the environmental awareness of Cubans.

Science and Innovation

Dr Tewolde Berhan was born on 19 February 1940 in a small village near Adwa town in Tigray Region of northern Ethiopia. His father was an Orthodox priest and his mother the daughter of one of the founders of the Lutheran Church of Mekane Yesus who had originally been trained for priesthood in the Orthodox church.

Policy Leadership

Dr. Mohamed T. El- Ashry currently serves as a Senior Fellow at the United Nations Foundation. Prior to joining the foundation, Dr. El-Ashry served as Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Global Environment Facility (GEF). He served as the GEF Chairman between 1991 and 2002, and was appointed the first CEO and Chairman of the GEF in 1994.

Asia and the Pacific

As President of Third UN Conference on the Law of the Sea (1980-1982) and as the Chairman of Preparatory Committee and of the Main Committee of the UN Conference on Environment and Development (1990-1992), Professor Tommy Koh of Singapore has contributed greatly to promoting international environmental cooperation.

North America

For the last thirty years, Timothy E. Wirth has been an advocate for environmental issues in the United States. As the president of the United Nations Foundation and Better World Fund, Mr. Wirt has established the environment as a key priority and is mobilizing strong resources to address crucial issues from biodiversity to climate change and renewable energy.

Entrepreneurial Vision

Despite repeated warnings and unassailable scientific evidence on the climate consequences of the brown economy, greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise. Some prefer to assign blame to the failure of international treaties to curb emissions, yet there is so much that can be done by simple changes to the way we design and run our homes and places of work and leisure.

Policy Leadership

His Excellency Mohamed Nasheed has been the President of the Maldives since 2008. He has received global recognition for his efforts to curb climate change and raise awareness of environmental issues, particularly as it related to island-nations.

Inspiration and Action

Afghanistan’s 46-year-old Director General of the National Environmental Protection Agency (NEPA), Prince Mostapha Zaher has laid the foundation for a sustainable and peaceful future in Afghanistan.

Science and Innovation

Dr. Balgis Osman-Elasha, a senior scientist from Sudan, is at the forefront of global research on climate change. A leading author of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports, she has produced groundbreaking work on global warming - the defining challenge of our era - in Africa, with an emphasis on northern and eastern Africa.

Science and Innovation

There are some individuals so accomplished, so on the nail with their science and insight, and so omnipresent at award ceremonies that one could be forgiven for suspecting they have secretly been busy cloning themselves to carry out so much ground-breaking work.

Latin America and the Caribbean

Ms. Thompson has become one of the recognized leaders on environmental issues of the Small Island Developing States.

Showing 221 - 240 of 316