Prof. Tommy Koh Thong Bee - Asia and the Pacific

Current Special Advisor to the Institute of Policy Studies and Former Executive Director of the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF)

As President of Third UN Conference on the Law of the Sea (1980-1982) and as the Chairman of Preparatory Committee and of the Main Committee of the UN Conference on Environment and Development (1990-1992), Professor Tommy Koh of Singapore has contributed greatly to promoting international environmental cooperation. These events are only two of Professor Koh's many contributions in the international environmental arena. 

Professor Koh has also published widely on the environment. For his contributions, Professor Koh received the 1996 Elizabeth Haub Prize for international environment law from the Free University of Brussels and the International Council on Environmental Law on 17 April 1997. Professor Koh has also received other international and national awards for his many contributions to the environment, academia and diplomacy.
Professor Koh is a widely respected and eminent person within Singapore and in the international arena. His passion for the environment is well known and his example of leading from the front should be emulated by all Singaporeans and aspiring environmental champions from other countries

Official Appointments and Membership of Organisations / Institutions

Patron, The Nature Society (Singapore), December 1990 to present

Patron, Singapore Association for Environmental Companies (SAFECO), February 1994 to present

Patron, Asia-Pacific Centre for Environmental Law (APCEL), February 1996 to present

Leader of the Singapore delegation to the Preparatory Committee for the 1972 UN Conference on the Human Environment

President of the Third UN Conference on the Law of the Sea, 1980 to 1982

Chairman of the Preparatory Committee and of the Main Committee of the UN Conference on Environment and Development, March 1990 to June 1992

Member, IUCN Commission on Environmental Law, from January 1991, then offered Honorary Membership from June 2005 to present

Member of the Earth Council, April 1993 to 1996

Member of the UN High-Level Advisory Board on Sustainable Development, June 1993 to September 1995

Member, Asia-Pacific Council, The Nature Conservancy, USA, May 1995 to January 2004

Member, Independent World Commission on the Oceans, August 1995 to February 1997

Member, UN Task Force on Environment and Human Settlements, March to June 1998

Chairman, Singapore Conference on Model Cities, 19-21 April 1999 Chairman, Drafting Committee of the Berlin Conference, 4-6 July 2000

Chairman, Animal Welfare and Ethics Committee, Wildlife Reserves Singapore, May 2001 to present

Chairman, Advisory Committee for the M.Sc (Environmental Management) Programme, National University of Singapore, 1 May 2003 to 31 April 2007
