Title: Ocean and Coastal Observation and Monitoring at scale: Co-Designing the value chain from data to impact through a partnership approach
Date & venue: Friday 1 July, 16-17.15 CET, Blue Area, Altice Arena, Room 2, in-person event
The event provides an opportunity to drive the co-design of innovative ocean and coastal observing and monitoring systems and actions that can leverage available data on the ground. The format for this interactive dialogue is discussion in roundtables to gather inputs, recommendations, feedback, and active engagement from governments and Regional Seas, to share experiences and lessons learned, best practices, partnership models, funding opportunities, initiatives and emerging issues. Stakeholders and participants are especially encouraged to provide feedback and actively participate in the co-design process of UNEP’s Global Environment Monitoring System for the Ocean and Coasts (GEMS Ocean) Programme. COBSEA will share advances in harmonizing marine litter monitoring efforts and strengthening data collection and reporting on ocean-related SDGs.
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