A desk review is being carried out in order to compile available information on the main sources and impacts of nutrient pollution in the coastal and marine environment; prevention and reduction commitments, targets and measures; and related monitoring and assessment in COBSEA countries. This may be used by COBSEA countries to inform development and implementation of actions addressing nutrient pollution. The study is conducted in collaboration with the Global Partnership on Nutrient Management (GPNM), with funding from the Ministry of Environment, Sweden.
A virtual workshop will be held to share draft findings of the study, invite input to support its finalization, and exchange views on possible future efforts to address nutrient pollution through COBSEA.
The virtual workshop will take place Wednesday 3 March 14.00-16.00 ICT.
COBSEA countries are also invited to provide brief presentations of c 3 - 5 minutes, including views on the draft study report as well as views on possible future actions through COBSEA.