• Overview
  • Documents

Date: 01 - 02 October 2024

Time: 09h00 – 17h00

Venue: Novotel Bangkok on Siam Square, 392/44, Siam Square Soi 6, Pathumwan, Bangkok

Registration: (TBD)


Thailand has identified nutrient pollution as a priority issue in the country. In 2023, Thailand established the Sub-Committee on Nutrient Pollution Management in Inland and Sea Water, an inter-agency task force with membership from the Pollution Control Department, Department of Marine and Coastal Resource. The Sub-Committee is mandated to urgently address nutrients pollution in the country and have identified key action points in doing so. Simultaneous to Thailand’s national initiative, the Coordinating Body on the Seas of East Asia (COBSEA) of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has also been prioritizing nutrient pollution at the regional level through the Reducing Nutrient Excess in Watersheds and Seas of East Asia (RENEWSeas) Strategy and Action Plan, actions of which thoroughly aligns with Thailand’s interests.

In 2023, the Global Environment Facility (GEF) opened the call for Clean and Healthy Oceans Integrated Programme (CHO IP) national/child projects focused on supporting national efforts on nutrient pollution management. The Thailand Pollution Control Department (PCD) with the support of the UNEP-COBSEA was successful in being selected as one of the CHO-IP recipients for a national project worth USD 3.5 million. As part of GEF funding, a Project Preparation Grant (PPG) is provided to take forward the project and ensure the project’s strategic development, stakeholder engagement, and alignment with priorities and action plans prior to implementation. This Validation Workshop aims to review and validate the project’s progress, finalize the key elements of the project design, and ensure the project design aligns with technical inputs and priorities of key stakeholders.

  • Share updates and review of Thailand CHO-IP GEF project progress since the Inception Workshop, 30 May. 
  • Gather final inputs, information, and suggestions from key stakeholders regarding the project.
  • Gain agreement and commitment of key stakeholders on the project’s final design.