The COVID-19 pandemic has had an unprecedented global impact. Most of us have been and continue to be affected by physical distancing measures and other disruptions to our normal way of life. Many are contending with potentially severe health impacts. The COBSEA Secretariat extends best wishes to you, your family and colleagues in the hope you are all safe. In these difficult times, we stand together and are all part of overcoming the challenges we face.
The priority is managing the immediate dangers of the pandemic. In this regard, we recognize and thank the countries in the region that are global leaders in efforts to contain and turn back the spread of the virus. While our work through COBSEA does not constitute emergency response, we are cognisant that a healthy environment plays an important part in reducing risk in the longer term, and provides a foundation for a healthy, resilient human society.
As the situation evolves, we are committed to adapting, finding new ways of working and making the best use of available technologies to ensure business continuity. The COBSEA Secretariat is telecommuting full time, but otherwise operating as usual. Where possible, planned meetings will be held as virtual events, and as required activities planned for 2020 may be modified and/or postponed, in close consultation with COBSEA countries and other partners. We look forward to continuing strong regional collaboration for protection and sustainable development of the marine environment and coastal areas of East Asian Seas.
Throughout this time we strive to provide regular updates on COBSEA’s work through our website. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at: