29 May 2020 Story Oceans & seas

COBSEA Webinar on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework

On 28 May 2020, the COBSEA Secretariat hosted the first in a series of webinars on the post-2020 global biodiversity framework. The webinar series provide a platform for dialogue on how COBSEA can be leveraged to support countries during development as well as implementation of the framework.


The first webinar took stock of the process for development of the framework, and UN Environment Programme’s (UNEP’s) role in this, including its work with and through Regional Seas Conventions and Action Plans. Based on this COBSEA’s mandate and current activities relevant to the framework were discussed.


Over 30 attendees from seven COBSEA countries, representing governments, research institutions and non-governmental organizations, participated in the event along with presenters and resource persons from UNEP’s Law Division, Ecosystems Division including the Regional Seas Programme, UNEP’s Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific and the COBSEA Secretariat.


Participants stressed the need to ensure inclusion of marine and coastal biodiversity in the development of the framework, and the importance of using the established process for shaping the framework based on the needs of member States. The necessity of ensuring that the framework recognizes and builds on existing structures was further highlighted, and in this regard potential roles of Regional Seas Conventions and Action Plans were identified. The utility of cooperation among Regional Seas was further noted, including in providing input on development of the framework. The importance of COBSEA Strategic Directions 2018-2022 in informing actions to be taken through COBSEA was recognized. 


The schedule of future webinars will be shared shortly. The next webinar is likely to be held in October to discuss outcomes of the Multilateral Environmental Agreement consultation workshop and meetings of the Subsidiary Body on the Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice, and the Subsidiary Body on Implementation as well as explore efforts through COBSEA, including in preparation for the 25th Intergovernmental Meeting of COBSEA.


More information about the webinar including the presentations can be found here.


In case of questions regarding the webinar series or suggestions for upcoming webinars, please contact Katrin Eitrem Holmgren (Katrin.holmgren@un.org).