30 Nov 2022 Story Oceans & seas

COBSEA countries launch web platform of the East Asian Seas Regional Node of the GPML

Following the formal establishment of the East Asian Seas Regional Node of the Global Partnership on Marine Litter (GPML) by the resumed session of the Twenty-fifth Intergovernmental Meeting (IGM 25), COBSEA has launched the web platform of the Regional Node linked to the Global Digital Platform on Marine Litter. The web platform provides access to knowledge management and networking services on marine litter, including a knowledge library with policies, tools, and resources, and a map of good practices; the Regional Research Database with access to data from over 700 peer-reviewed publications in languages from the region; and a learning centre with training resources and events.

The web platform will be developed further in a phased approach based on stakeholder consultations to continuously improve user experience and align efforts in the region with partners. The platform is accessible at https://cobsea.gpmarinelitter.org 

Get in touch with us if you are interested in contributing to the platform or linking efforts: https://www.unep.org/cobsea/

The web platform was developed with support from the Government of Sweden through the SEA circular project.