
Review of Projects on Coral Reef Management Implemented by COBSEA, through the East Asian Seas Regional Coordinating Unit (EAS/RCU)

Review of Projects on Coral Reef Management Implemented by COBSEA, through the East Asian Seas Regional Coordinating Unit (EAS/RCU)

REVIEW OF PROJECTS ON CORAL REEF MANAGEMENT IMPLEMENTED BY COBSEA, THROUGH THE EAST ASIAN SEAS REGIONAL COORDINATING UNIT (EAS/RCU), June 2006 -  review outlines the success, strengths, weaknesses, achievements, sustainability and
potential of four regional projects initiated and implemented by the EAS/RCU, which were primarily
focused on coral reef monitoring and data management, namely; 1) UNEP/ICRAN Small Grants Fund
Programme 2002-2003; 2) UNEP Coral Reef Mapping Project in Vietnam; 3) UNEP Greens Fins
Project and 4) ICRAN Demonstration Site – Target Site Project.