Debris in the environment is a transboundary problem that impacts people and ecosystems. The East Asian Seas Region was identified as a global region with disproportionately high litter leakage from land-based sources to the environment; however, these estimations often are generated by statistical models based that lack empirical ‘on-the-ground’ data about waste leakage to the environment, including different habitats and land-uses. As part of the 24th IGM of the Coordinating Body on the Seas of East Asia, participating countries adopted a Regional Action Plan on Marine Litter in 2019. The goal of this RAP was to guide actions on marine litter within the region. This assessment builds on existing efforts, supporting countries to have in place a reliable snapshot of mismanaged plastic of plastic in selected areas in Cambodia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam. By taking a consistent approach within the participating countries, there is a demonstrated focus on consolidation, coordination and cooperation among countries within the region. Regional assessments necessarily rely upon collaboration, consistency and agreement among participating countries, such that data collection is streamlined and harmonised to ensure both interoperability and comparisons among sites, countries and within the region.
The assessment is the first of its kind providing harmonized on- the-ground evidence at the regional level. A total of 1501 transects were surveyed across the 5 countries. This constituted 540 transects at inland locations, 430 transects along riverbanks, 369 transects along coastlines, and 135 sea surface trawls conducted by boat.