The following intergovernmental/international organizations can participate or get accredited to participate as observers in the activities of the United Nations Environment Assembly:

i. Intergovernmental organizations having received a standing invitation to participate as observers in the sessions and the work of the General Assembly;

ii. Intergovernmental organizations established by treaty that have an interest in the field of the environment;

iii. Multilateral environmental agreements and regional environmental agreements including those administered and also not administered by UNEP;

iv. Inter-governmental scientific platforms, that while not established by treaty, have mainly Governments as their Members.  

For a complete list please see:

  • List of non-member States, entities and organizations having received a standing invitation to participate as observers in the sessions and the work of the General Assembly (A/INF/80/3).
  • List of intergovernmental organizations and multilateral environmental agreements accredited to participate and/or have previously participated in the sessions of the United Nations Environment Assembly (see listing).

How to get accredited to the United Nations Environment Assembly and its subsidiary organs

Intergovernmental Organizations (IGOs) interested in obtaining accreditation to the United Nations Environment Assembly can submit an application addressed to the Secretary of the Governing Bodies, United Nations Environment Programme.

The application should be through a letter from the head of the organization on official letterhead (with the original signature) addressed to the Secretary of the Governing Bodies, United Nations Environment Programme, requesting for accreditation to the United Nations Environment Assembly with the following attachments:

  • a copy of the treaty establishing the organization;
  • an account of the international scope of the organization’s activities, such as headquarters and regional offices in different countries, evidence of engagement in more than one country, evidence of engagement with international organizations, activities that have an impact beyond one country;
  • proof of engagement in the field of environment e.g., annual reports, conference and seminar reports, recent press releases and copies of media statements, newsletters and other periodicals.

The application should be sent to:

If an organization meets the criteria for an IGO, it will be designated by the United Nations Environment Assembly, to participate, without the right to vote, in the deliberations of the United Nations Environment Assembly and its subsidiary organs.

Rules of procedure

The General Assembly, in section IV, paragraph 5 of its resolution 2997 (XXVII) of 15 December 1972, invited … intergovernmental … organizations that have an interest in the field of the environment to lend their full support and collaboration to the United Nations with a view to achieving the largest possible degree of cooperation and coordination”.

Rule 69 of the rules of procedure of the United Nations Environment Assembly provides that “… the intergovernmental organizations referred to in section IV, paragraph 5, of General Assembly resolution 2997 (XXVII) which are designated for this purpose by the United Nations Environment Assembly, may participate, without the right to vote, in the deliberations of the United Nations Environment Assembly and its subsidiary organs, if any, upon the invitation of the President of Chairperson, as the case may be, on questions within the scope of their activities.

As a subsidiary organ of the General Assembly and in accordance with General Assembly resolution 2997 (XXVII), the non-member States, entities and organizations having received a standing invitation to participate as observers in the sessions and the work of the General Assembly are also accredited to participate as observers in the sessions of the United Nations Environment Assembly and in the meetings of its subsidiary organs. Accordingly, intergovernmental organizations on the list of non-member States, entities and organizations having received a standing invitation to participate as observers in the sessions and the work of the General Assembly (A/INF/78/3) may register to participate in sessions of UNEA.

In accordance with its rules of procedure, the United Nations Environment Assembly has additionally accredited relevant intergovernmental organizations to participate as observers in the sessions/meetings of the United Nations Environment Assembly and its subsidiary organs.