Bureau meetings of the UN Environment Assembly
The UN Environment Assembly Bureau consists of 10 members (1 President, 8 Vice-Presidents and 1 Rapporteur), with two members representing each region.
During the second session of the UN Environment Assembly, Rule 18 was amended as follow:
1. (a ) During the final meeting of a regular session, the United Nations Environment Assembly shall elect a president, eight vice-presidents and a rapporteur from among its members. These officers shall constitute the Bureau of the United Nations Environment Assembly. The Bureau shall assist the president in the general conduct of business of the United Nations Environment Assembly. The chairpersons of such sessional committees or working parties as may be established under rule 61 below shall be invited to participate in meetings of the Bureau.
(b) Rule 20 was amended as follows:
The president, the vice-presidents and the rapporteur shall hold office until their successors are elected. They shall commence their terms of office at the closure of the session at which they are elected and remain in office until the closure of the next regular session. Subject to the provisions of Rule 18, they shall be eligible for re-election. None of them may hold office after the expiration of the term of office of the member of which the officer concerned is a representative.
Decides that the above amendments shall take effect at the beginning of its third session of the Assembly. Therefore the Bureau elected for the second session of the United Nations Environment Assembly shall remain in office until the closure of its third session.
2. Pursuant of paragraph 1 of the rule of procedure 18, the mandate of the UN Environment Assembly Bureau is to “assist the President in the general conduct of business of the UNEA”. It periodic meetings provide the Secretariat with guidance in the preparations for the next session of the UNEA, especially:
(a) Dates and place of a session (when the governing body did not decide on dates and place);
(b) Roadmap toward the preparation of a session and roles of the Bureaus of the UNEA and the Committee of Permanent Representatives;
(c) Organization of a session, including establishment of Sessional Committees;
(d) Provisional agenda of a session (when the governing body did not decide on it), including the theme(s) of the high-level segment;
(e) Programme of the week, including special and associated events;
(f) A way forward on selected contentious issues;
(g) President’s representational work in various global and regional fora on the environment.