Versión en español


Date: July 9, 2024

Time: 9:00 am - 6:30 pm Peru (UTC-5)

Format: In-person

Location: Lima, Peru


In accordance with paragraph 35 of the Bridgetown Declaration, the Bureau of the Forum of Ministers of Environment of Latin America and the Caribbean is responsible for supervising the performance of the Forum and must provide support for its operation together with UNEP´s Regional Director. Therefore, it is necessary for the Bureau to meet periodically to provide input, and to contribute to monitoring and review the implementation of the Forum's Decisions.

This meeting is organized by the President of the Forum, Mr. Juan Carlos Castro Vargas, Minister of the Environment of Peru, with the support of the Office for Latin America and the Caribbean of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) as Secretariat of the Forum.

This session of the Bureau will allow for discussion and provision of political guidance on the implementation of the Work Plan and Roadmap for the intersessional period of 2024 - 2025, as well as addressing issues of great relevance to the region, including some of the main intergovernmental processes on environmental matters that are currently taking place.

For more information, please contact the Forum´s Secretariat at


Provisional Agenda UNEP/LAC/B1-2024/Doc.1 [Spanish] [English]

Annotated Provisional Agenda UNEP/LAC/B1-2024/Doc.2 [Spanish] [English]

Tentative Roadmap 2024-2025 [Spanish] [English]

Work Plan 2024-2025 [English]

Request from OECD to join the Inter-Agency Technical Committee [English]



Report of the first meeting of the Bureau UNEP/LAC/B1-2024/Doc.3 [Spanish] [English]



Roadmap 2024 - 2025 [Spanish] [English]

Work Plan 2024 - 2025 [Spanish] [English] 

Summary of UNEA-6 and road to UNEA-7 [Spanish] [English]

Presentation by Colombia on CBD COP 16 preparations {Spanish]

Outcomes of Fourth International SIDS Conference 2024 [English]

Advances in the process of the INC on plastics [Spanish]


San Jose Declaration [English] [Español]

Decisions of the XXIII Meeting of the Forum [English] [Español]

Report of the XXIII Meeting of the Forum [English] [Español]



Information Note [Spanish] [English]