

The fourth session of the Forum of Ministers and Environment Authorities of Asia Pacific will take place both on-site and virtually from 5 to 7 October 2021, organized jointly by the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Korea and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). The high-level segment of the Forum will be convened both on-site and virtually: at the Senior Officials’ Meeting on 6 October, followed by the Ministerial Segment on 7 October at the Suwon Convention Center, Suwon City, Republic of Korea.

Other events, including the Asia-Pacific Youth Environment Assembly (2-3 October), the Asia Pacific Major Group and Stakeholders Forum and the Asia-Pacific Science-Policy-Business Forum on the Environment (parallel events, 5 October) will take place virtually during the Forum.

The Forum serves as a platform for the Member States and other stakeholders to contribute regional perspectives to the resumed fifth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-5.2) to be held from 28 February to 2 March 2022 as well as to the Special Session of the United Nations Environment Assembly to mark the 50th anniversary of UNEP on 3-4 March 2022 in Nairobi, Kenya.

The Forum will focus on UNEA-5’s theme: Strengthening Actions for Nature to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. At the Forum, Member States will:

  • Review progress on implementation of UNEA resolutions in Asia and the Pacific.
  • Review progress of regional forums and platforms where UNEP is the secretariat, including Asia Pacific Clean Asia Partnership, Asia Pacific Adaptation Network, and Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia.
  • Identify priorities and engagement with Major Groups and Stakeholders in Asia-Pacific.
  • Identify priorities and emerging issues from the region to be reflected in preparations for the UNEA-5.2.
  • Provide regional inputs to the UNEA-5.2 theme and its draft outcome documents.
  • Regional Inputs to the Special Session of United Nations Environment Assembly to mark the 50th anniversary of UNEP.
  • Discuss challenges and opportunities to strengthen the regional environmental agenda for delivering the sustainable development goals and regional commitments to international agreements; and 
  • The Forum is also an occasion for UNEP partners, UN agencies, private sector representatives, scientists, academia, and civil society to bring their perspectives and ideas to achieve the environmental dimension of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda.


In the first session of the Forum of Ministers and Environment Authorities of Asia Pacific held in May 2015, Member States requested the Executive Director of UNEP to hold regular sessions of the Forum, convening every two years.

The 2nd Session of the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA-2) of UNEP in May 2016 adopted Resolution No. 2/2 ‘Role and functions of the regional forums of ministers of environment and environment authorities’ in which it requested the Executive Director, within the mandate of UNEP to support and to facilitate convening and/or strengthening the existing regional forums of ministers of environment and environment authorities.

The second session of the Forum of Ministers and Environment Authorities of Asia Pacific was held in September 2017 in Bangkok under the theme ‘Towards a resource-efficient and pollution-free Asia-Pacific’ and provided regional inputs into the third UN Environment Assembly.

The third session of the Forum of Ministers and Environment Authorities of Asia Pacific was held in Singapore in January 2019. This was the first Forum of Ministers and Environment Authorities of Asia Pacific to be held outside of Bangkok and was co-hosted by Singapore’s Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources and UNEP. The third Forum was focused on the theme ‘Innovative solutions for environmental challenges and sustainable consumption and production and provided regional inputs to the Fourth session of the UN Environment Assembly.



Tentative Programme Agenda

Senior Officials Meeting of the Fourth Forum of Ministers and Environment Authorities of Asia Pacific, 6 October 2021, Wednesday

09:30-10:30 (GMT+9)


Agenda item 1: Opening of the Senior Officials Meeting of the Fourth Forum of Ministers and Environment Authorities of Asia Pacific

10:30-11:15 (GMT+9)

Mr. Naresh Pal Gangwar, Joint Secretary of the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, India and Senior Officials Bureau, Third Forum of Ministers and Environment Authorities of Asia Pacific (Chair)


  • H.E. Mr. Hong Jeong-kee, Vice Minister, Ministry of Environment, Republic of Korea (5 min)
  • H.E. Mr. Yeom Tae-young, Mayor, Suwon City, Republic of Korea (5 min)
  • Ms. Dechen Tsering, Regional Director and Representative, UN Environment Programme, Asia and the Pacific (5 min)

Inaugural address

  • Ms. Laksmi Dhewanthi, Vice President of the 5th session of the United Nations Environment Assembly Bureau, and Director General, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Indonesia (7 min)

Election of Officers and adoption of the agenda

Agenda item 2: Review of the implementation of the resolutions of the United Nations Environment Assembly in Asia and the Pacific



Review of the implementation of the resolutions of the United Nations Environment Assembly in Asia and the Pacific
  • Introduction by the Secretariat (10 min)
  • Country Statements

This agenda item will provide an opportunity for Member States to report on progress on the implementation of resolutions adopted by the United Nations Environment Assembly and provide guidance on priorities to be addressed in the region. Lead countries sponsored resolutions at preceding United Nations Environment Assembly are India, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, Mongolia, Samoa, and Sri Lanka.

12:30-13:30 (GMT+9)

Lunch break

Agenda item 3: Regional input to the second session of the 5th United Nations Environment Assembly outcome (UNEA-5.2)

13:30-14:30 (GMT+9)

5th United Nations Environment Assembly theme: ‘Strengthening Actions for Nature to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in Asia and the Pacific’

  • Introduction by the Secretariat (10 min)
  • Country Statements
  • Stakeholders Statements (Intergovernmental, International, UN Organisations, Major Groups and Stakeholders)

The senior officials and other stakeholders may wish to review the report and provide regional inputs, including priorities, environmental success stories and important initiatives, on the theme ‘Strengthening Actions for Nature to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in Asia and the Pacific’.

Statements from the Asia Pacific Science-Policy-Business Forum on the Environment, and the Asia Pacific Major Groups and Stakeholders Forum, linked to the Forum theme, held prior to the high-level segment will be delivered in this agenda item.

14:30-16:15 (GMT+9)

Outcome for the second session of the 5th United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-5.2)

Draft resolutions for the second session of the 5th United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-5.2)

  • Introduction by UNEP’s Committee of Permanent Representative Bureau Member
  • Country Statements

Member States may consider sharing relevant concept(s) to be submitted to the Secretariat of the Governing Bodies of the United Nations Environment Programme. The senior officials may wish to briefly present the potential concept or draft resolutions at the Forum.

Draft Ministerial Declaration for the second session of the 5th United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-5.2)

  • Introduction by the United Nations Environment Assembly Bureau Member
  • Country Statements
  • Stakeholders Statements (Intergovernmental, International, UN Organisations, Major Groups and Stakeholders)

A process of consultation on a draft political declaration, addressing the theme of the fifth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly ‘Strengthening Actions for Nature to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in Asia and the Pacific’, was initiated by the President of the Assembly. The main objective is to develop, in a transparent and inclusive manner, a joint vision and achievable actions to address the theme.

The senior officials and other stakeholders are invited to provide regional inputs to the draft declaration that will be adopted at the second session of the 5th United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-5.2).

Agenda item 4: Endorsement of the report of the Senior Officials Meeting of the Fourth Forum of Ministers and Environment Authorities of Asia Pacific

16:15-16:30 (GMT+9)
  • Introduction by the Secretariat
  • Endorsement of the report of the Senior Officials Meeting of the Fourth Forum of Ministers and Environment Authorities of Asia Pacific
18:00-20:00 (GMT+9)

Welcome Reception hosted by the Minister of Environment, Republic of Korea


Ministerial Segment of the Fourth Forum of Ministers and Environment Authorities of Asia Pacific

7 October 2021, Thursday

09:00-10:00 (GMT+9)


Agenda item 5: Opening of the Ministerial Segment of the Fourth Forum of Ministers and Environment Authorities of Asia Pacific

10:00-11:05 (GMT+9)

Opening Performance (25 min)

  • LED performance
  • Promotional Video on Forum theme
  • Musical performance – children’s choir

Welcome address

  • H.E. Ms. Han Jeoung-ae, Minister of Environment, Republic of Korea (5 min)
  • H.E. Mr. Sveinung Rotevatn, President of 5th session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-5) and Minister of Environment and Climate of Norway (video message) (3 min)
  • Ms. Joyce Msuya, United Nations Assistant Secretary-General and Deputy Executive Director, UN Environment Programme (5 min)

Keynote address

  • H.E. Mr. Moon Jae-in, President, Republic of Korea (video message) (7 min)
  • H.E. Ms. Fiame Naomi Mata'afa, Prime Minister, Samoa (7 min)
  • Ms. Armida Salsiah Alisiahbana, United Nations Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of ESCAP (4 min)
  • H.E. Dr. Amy Khor, Senior Minister of State of Singapore and Chair of the Third Forum of Ministers and Environment Authorities of Asia Pacific (4 min)
  • Mr. Zuhair Ahmed Kowshik, Representative of the Asia Pacific Regional Youth Environment Forum (4 min)
  • H.E. Mr. Ban Ki-moon, Chair, Global Green Growth Institute (7 min)
11:05 – 11:25 (GMT+9)

Photo Session & Break

11:25 – 11:40 (GMT+9)
  • H.E. Dr. Amy Khor, Senior Minister of State of Singapore and Chair of the Third Forum of Ministers and Environment Authorities of Asia Pacific (Chair)
  • Election of officers and adoption of the agenda
  • ‘Fair share Video’

Agenda item 6: Leadership Dialogue on Strengthening Nature Actions to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in Asia and the Pacific

11:40-12:40 (GMT+9)

The second session of the 5th United Nations Environment Assembly provides a unique opportunity for the multilateral community to share successes, best practices, and actions on nature that contribute to building back better and achieving the sustainable development goals, in a balanced and integrated manner. It also is an opportunity to leverage other strategic ‘nature focused’ objectives, commitments and action plans that underpin the UN Decade of Action to deliver the Global Goals (2020-2030), the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (2021-2030), the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework to be adopted at the fifteenth session of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP15), the Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030), the Paris Agreement under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, and the UN Food Systems Summit.

High Level Dialogue will focus on issues and relevant policy measures to address critical challenges related to strengthening the nature actions to achieve the sustainable development goals in Asia and the Pacific. Ministers, and other high-level representatives will have the opportunity to share perspectives on innovative policy solutions and commitments at national, subregional and regional levels.

Ministers and other high-level representatives are also invited to announce new or existing concrete actions by their respective Governments or organisations that will promote the nature actions, in areas, including: Nature for Poverty Eradication, Jobs and Economic Prosperity; Nature for Human and Ecosystems Health; Nature for Climate; and Nature for Sustainable Food Systems.

  • Introduction by the Secretariat (Video)
  • Country Statements
  • Stakeholders Statements (Intergovernmental, International, UN Organisations, Major Groups and Stakeholders)
12:40-13:30 (GMT+9)

Lunch break

13:30-14:15 (GMT+9)

Continued Agenda item 6: High Level Dialogue on Strengthening Nature Actions to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in Asia and the Pacific

  • Country Statements
  • Stakeholders Statements (Intergovernmental, International, UN Organisations, Major Groups and Stakeholders)

Agenda item 7: Multistakeholder’s Dialogue on the 50th anniversary of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP@50 celebration)



2022 marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of UNEP. The online session of the fifth United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-5.1), held on 22 – 23 February 2021, decided to convene a special session of the Assembly to mark the 50th anniversary of UNEP (UNEP@50).

This event will be held on 3 and 4 March 2022 in Nairobi, Kenya, in conjunction with the second session of the fifth United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-5.2), scheduled for 28 February – 2 March 2022. The special session on UNEP@50 will inspire a debate focus on how to strengthen UNEP to reaffirm its position as the lead organization for the environment by:

  • Strengthening UNEP´s work to promote the environmental science-policy interface
  • Strengthening UNEP´s role as a catalyst for implementation
  • Strengthening UNEP´s role as the global environmental authority within the UN system
  • Strengthening UNEP´s financial capacity to fulfil its mandate

The Ministers, Heads of the Delegation and other stakeholders and representatives will have the opportunity to share their regional perspectives on UNEP@50.

  • Introduction by the Secretariat (Video)
  • Country statements
  • Stakeholders Statements (Intergovernmental, International, UN Organisations, Major Groups and Stakeholders and Special Invitees)

Agenda item 8: Presentation of senior officials report and draft outcomes of the Fourth Forum of Ministers and Environment Authorities of Asia Pacific

15:45-16:00 (GMT+9)

Under this item, the Ministers and Heads of Delegation may wish to take note of the key elements of the report of the Senior Officials Meeting.

Agenda item 9: Adoption of the outcome of the Fourth Forum of Ministers and Environment Authorities of Asia Pacific

16:00-16:15 (GMT+9)

Adoption of the outcome of the Fourth Forum of Ministers and Environment Authorities of Asia Pacific

The Ministers and Heads of Delegation will consider the draft report of the Senior Officials Meeting and the draft ministerial outcome for adoption. The outcome will reflect policy perspectives and commitments in Asia Pacific to address the theme of the fifth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly ‘Strengthening Actions for Nature to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in Asia and the Pacific’.

Agenda item 10: Closing Session

16:15-16:30 (GMT+9)

Closing remarks

  • UNEP representative
  • Chair of the Fourth Forum of Ministers and Environment Authorities of Asia Pacific
18:00-20:00 (GMT+9)

Gala Dinner hosted by the Mayor of Suwon City, Republic of Korea








Background Documents


Reference Documents




Chair's Summary


Press Release





Asia Pacific Major Groups and Stakeholders' Forum

Watch Major Groups and Other Stakeholders' Vision for UNEP

Statement from Asia Pacific People's Forum/MGS Forum for the Fourth Forum of Ministers and Environment Authorities of Asia Pacific and UNEA 5.2

The Asia Pacific Major Group and Stakeholders’ Forum will be held virtually prior to the Government Senior Officials and the Ministerial Segment of the 4th Forum of Ministers and Environment Authorities of Asia Pacific scheduled on 4-7 October 2021. The Forum is intended to provide a platform for major groups and stakeholders and social movements to organize their positions and strategic inputs and ensure that voices of marginalized sectors and grassroots are included in the outcome of the 4th Forum of Ministers. The outcome of the Major Group and Stakeholders’ Forum will also be submitted at the Global Major Groups and Stakeholders Forum to be held in February 2022 in Nairobi prior to the 2nd session of the 5th UN Environment Assembly (UNEA-5.2).

Participation of civil society and constituency organizations, representing all 9 Major Groups and Other Stakeholders (Women; Children and Youth; Indigenous Peoples; Non-Governmental Organizations; Local Authorities; Workers and Trade Unions; Business and Industry; Scientific and Technological Community; Farmers; Fisherfolks and etc.) as well as other constituencies (Urban Poor; Older Persons; LGBTIQ) is an integral component of the Asia-Pacific Forum of Ministers of Environment from its inception, especially in highlighting critical voices from the grassroots.


The Major Group and Stakeholders' Forum will aim to:

  • To enable major groups and stakeholders and grassroots representatives to prepare their collective views and positions on the UNEA-5.2 Theme "Strengthening Actions for Nature to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals."
  • To ensure that the voice and views of major groups and stakeholders and grassroots movement in the region are shaped at the government senior officials and ministerial segment and reflected in the outcome of the Fourth Forum of Ministers and Environment Authorities of Asia Pacific.
  • To provide opportunities for major groups and stakeholders and grassroots representatives from across the region also to deliberate and provide inputs to UNEA-5.2 Outcome (draft resolutions and draft ministerial declaration) as well as UNEA@50 celebration.



Asia Pacific Regional Youth Environment Forum

Inputs from the Asia Pacific Regional Youth Environment Forum to the Fourth Forum of Ministers and Environment Authorities of Asia Pacific

The First Asia Pacific Regional Youth Environment Forum will take place virtually on 2-3 October 2021, in the lead up to the Fourth Forum of Ministers and Environment Authorities of Asia Pacific, UNEA-5.2 and UNEP@50. This Forum has been organised and run by youth and for youth, led by the Children and Youth Major Group of UNEP. The Forum will serve as a platform for youth dialogue, contributing to knowledge exchange and capacity building of youth participating at UNEA-5.2 and the Fourth Forum of Ministers and Environment Authorities of Asia Pacific. Additionally, the Forum will ensure regional youth inputs and perspectives are presented to the Forum of Ministers and Environment Authorities of Asia Pacific, as well as the Global Youth Environment Assembly to be held in February 2022 in Nairobi, Kenya. The Forum will focus on UNEA-5.2's theme: "Strengthening Actions for Nature to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals".

In February 2021, the Global Youth Environment Assembly provided a self-organized space for the training and capacity building of youth participating at UNEA-5.1, with thousands of children and youth from over 170 countries engaged in critical conversations and dialogues, in different thematic and regional contexts. Following its success, the Asia Pacific Regional Youth Forum (APRYF) will be another historical event to amplify youth voices from Asia Pacific, engage youth in environmental decision-making processes and hear unique issues facing youth in environmental governance and enhance youth engagement in the lead up to UNEA-5.2.



Asia Pacific Science-Policy-Business Forum on the Environment

In 2017, prior to the third Session of the United Nations Environment Assembly, UNEP established the UN Science Policy Business Forum on the Environment as a platform to promote innovation and collective leadership for the environment. With over 2000 members and contributors representing the science community, governments, private sector and civil society at large, this platform enables science, policy and private sector actors to engage in a high-level governance discussions on challenges and emerging issues for the planet, as well as opportunities for public and private sector actors to jointly harness solutions for sustainability.

More than a series of one-off meetings, the UN Science Policy Business Forum on the Environment is quickly becoming an incubator of innovation and joint initiatives and an accelerator for circular economy.

The aim of the Asia Pacific Science-Policy-Business Forum on the Environment is to explore the potential of this successful model in the regional context, unleashing the power of the potential synergies between different sectors in a dynamic region that is destined to play a pivotal role in our transition to more sustainable modes of living.

Major global environmental assessment reports released recently, including the 6th Global Environment Outlook, the IPCC and IPBES are all unanimous in highlighting the mounting scientific evidence indicating the ever-increasing pressures on the Earth’s ecosystems and their life-supporting services. UNEP's Medium-Term Strategy for 2022–2025, approved by all member states, highlights the recognition of the existence of three planetary crises – climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution – which put us at risk of irreversibly changing our relationship with the natural world.

This is especially true in Asia and the Pacific. The Global Environment Outlook 6 (GEO-6) Regional Assessment for Asia and the Pacific and the GEO-6 for Industry in Asia Pacific both highlighted the centrality of the regions’ unrelenting industrial development since the 1970s as a driving force in the economic growth of the region and increased prosperity for millions. This prosperity, however, has brought with itself the challenges of industrial development and rapid urbanization, which are often environmental in nature. These challenges are reconfirmed by the Asia Pacific Sustainable Development Goals Progress Report 2021: the region has fallen short of the 2020 milestone for the 2030 Agenda, notably on the environmental dimension, and is likely to miss most environmental targets by 2030 if it stays on its current trajectory.

During the first session of the Forum of Ministers and Environment Authorities of Asia Pacific held in May 2015, Member States requested UNEP to hold regular sessions of the Forum, convening every two years, to provide regional inputs to the United Nations Environment Assembly as a preparatory process. In this context, the First Session of the Asia Pacific Science-Policy-Business Forum on the Environment is scheduled on 5 October, prior to the fourth session of the Forum of Ministers and Environment Authorities of Asia Pacific, which will be held in on 6-7 October 2021, to inform and enrich the Ministerial Segment’s dialogue on regional policies and emerging issues related to the theme of the 5th UN Environment Assembly, on ‘Strengthening Actions for Nature to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals', in the current context of COVID-19 pandemic.

Messages from the Asia Pacific Science-Policy-Business Forum

The First Session of Asia-Pacific Science-Policy-Business Forum for Environment is expected to generate a summary brief report Messages from the Asia Pacific Science-Policy-Business Forum, which will be based both on the expert-generated insight contained in the two background documents and on the lively multi-sector discussion that the format of the Forum encourages. The messages of the Forum are expected to highlight concrete science-based solutions and approaches resulting from the exchange between eminent scientists, industry and business leaders, experienced policy makers and civil society representatives, as well as to identify ways in which the private sector can be encouraged to be part of solutions.

The Asia-Pacific Science-Policy-Business Forum for Environment will be organized under the global framework of UN Science-Policy- Business Forum on the Environment, led by UNEP Science Division, with guidance from Governance Consortium.

Objective and Theme

The Asia-Pacific Science-Policy-Business Forum on the Environment is a platform aiming to catalyze a more dynamic interface between science, policy, business and society for science-based solutions towards achieving Sustainable Development Goals in Asia and the Pacific.

The Theme of the Asia-Pacific Science-Policy-Business Forum on the Environment 2021 is “Integrated Solutions #ForNature: Towards Transformative Action in Asia Pacific”, and will consist of a high-level Opening Roundtable and two deep-dive thematic sessions:

  • Opening Roundtable - Actions for nature in a post-COVID world: towards a healthy rebound for people, nature and economies
  • Mitigation of emerging zoonoses in Asia and the Pacific, and
  • Knowledge & data for combating marine litter in Asia and the Pacific


The Forum will bring together high level participation from the region, including Ministers and high level governmental officials, scientists from regional and national academic institutions and policy think-tanks, industry and business leaders, media, practitioners, youth and civil society representatives, Non-Governmental Organizations and local communities. An invitation will be extended to all participants registered to the fourth session of the Forum of Ministers and Environment Authorities of Asia Pacific.

Panel dialogue and interaction with participants

The two thematic sessions will provide opportunities and adequate time to participants to discuss knowledge and data gaps, policy challenges and solutions-oriented approaches in broad context of regional policies and emerging issues related to the theme of the 5th UN Environment Assembly, on “Strengthening Actions for Nature to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals”. This process will enable participants to take inspiration from the issues – experience and solutions – presented by Panelists during the two thematic sessions, sparking the interactions and exchanges among participants with diverse backgrounds that is the essential part of effective environmental governance, policy making and implementation.

The thematic sessions will also provide an opportunity to both public sector representatives and business leaders to showcase their experience, forward thinking and vision on technologies and innovative solutions for One Health Approach, nature integrity, and marine sustainability in the region and globe.