Information documents with UNEP/EA.2/INF/x symbol refers to documents that are provided by the secretariat for the information of participants. While some information documents are intended to supplement official documents and support discussion of a specific agenda item, others pertain to a topic that has no direct relevance to the provisional agenda of UNEA-2 – such as the evaluation of the work of the secretariat in the 2014-2015 biennium – but provide important information to participants in performing their oversight and monitoring functions. These documents are available in English only, unless otherwise indicated.
Symbol | Title |
Notification by the Executive Director عربي 中文版 English Français Русский Español |
List of documents for transmission to UNEA-2 عربي 中文版 English Français Русский Español |
Note of the Executive Director on the organization of the second session of the Environment Assembly عربي 中文版 English Français Русский Español
Note of the Executive Director on “Delivering on the environmental dimension of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” عربي 中文版 English Français Русский Español
Global thematic report on “Healthy Environment and Healthy People” عربي 中文版 English Français Русский Español |
Executive summary to the Global thematic report on “Healthy Environment and Healthy People” (UNEP/EA.2/INF/5) عربي 中文版 English Français Русский Español
System-wide framework of strategies on the environment of the UN system عربي 中文版 English Français Русский Español |
Compilation of statements and recommendations by Major Groups and Stakeholders for consideration by UNEA-2 عربي 中文版 English Français Русский Español |
Report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions on the proposed programme of work and budget for 2018-2019 عربي 中文版 English Français Русский Español |
Programme of work and budget for 2016-2017 عربي 中文版 English Français Русский Español |
UNEP/EA.2/INF/10 |
Note of the Executive Director on voluntary indicative scale of contributions عربي 中文版 English Français Русский Español |
UNEP/EA.2/INF/11/Rev.1 |
Corporate memoranda of understanding concerning cooperation between the United Nations Environment Programme and other bodies of the United Nations system عربي 中文版 English Français Русский Español |
UNEP/EA.2/INF/12 |
Programme performance report for 2014-15 عربي 中文版 English Français Русский Español |
UNEP/EA.2/INF/13 |
Evaluation synthesis report 2014-15 عربي 中文版 English Français Русский Español |
UNEP/EA.2/INF/14 |
Note of the Executive Director on annexes to the report of the Executive Director on the coordination across the UN system in the field of the environment, including the Environment Management Group عربي 中文版 English Français Русский Español |
UNEP/EA.2/INF/15 |
Note of the Executive Director on the implementation quadrennial comprehensive policy review of operational activities for development of the UN development system عربي 中文版 English Français Русский Español |
UNEP/EA.2/INF/16 |
Note of the Executive Director on the results of the 69th and 70th sessions of the General Assembly of relevance to UNEP عربي 中文版 English Français Русский Español
UNEP/EA.2/INF/17 |
Summary of the Global Environmental outlook 6 regional assesments عربي 中文版 English Français Русский Español |
UNEP/EA.2/INF/18 |
Report on the implementation of the integrated approach to financing sound management of chemicals and waste عربي 中文版 English Français Русский Español |
UNEP/EA.2/INF/19 |
Compilation of information on techniques for emissions abatement and on the possibility of replacing lead and cadmium with less hazardous substances or techniques عربي 中文版 English Français Русский Español |
UNEP/EA.2/INF/20 |
Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals and international chemicals and waste agreements عربي 中文版 English Français Русский Español |
UNEP/EA.2/INF/21 |
Outcomes of the 7th session of the intergovernmental negotiating committee to prepare a global legally binding instrument on mercury عربي 中文版 English Français Русский Español |
UNEP/EA.2/INF/22 |
Athens Declaration adopter at the 19th ordinary meeting of the contracting parties to the Barcelona Convention. عربي 中文版 English Français Русский Español |
UNEP/EA.2/INF/23 |
UNEP access-to-information policy : Note of the Executive Director عربي 中文版 English Français Русский Español |
UNEP/EA.2/INF/23/Add.1 |
Annexes to the technical report on marine plastic debris and microplastics عربي 中文版 English Français Русский Español |
UNEP/EA.2/INF/24 |
Transboundary waters assesment programme عربي 中文版 English Français Русский Español |
UNEP/EA.2/INF/25 |
Report of the Committee of Permanent Representatives from June 2014 to May 2016 عربي 中文版 English Français Русский Español |
UNEP/EA.2/INF/26 |
Note by the Executive Director on potential contributions of the United Nations Environment Assembly to the review and follow-up of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at the global level عربي 中文版 English Français Русский Español |
UNEP/EA.2/INF/27 |
Note of the financial and other implications of rescheduling sessions of UNEA, including those on UNEP planning and budget عربي 中文版 English Français Русский Español |
UNEP/EA.2/INF/28 |
Analysis of the environmental impacts of illegal trade in wildlife عربي 中文版 English Français Русский Español |
26 May 2016 Ministerial dialogue: Delivering on the Environmental dimension of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development عربي 中文版 English Français Русский Español |
26 May 2016: Ministerial luncheon on “Mobilizing resources and partnerships for sustainable investments” عربي 中文版 English Français Русский Español |
27 May 2016 Ministerial breakfast on “Innovations and partnerships for sustainable consumption and production” عربي 中文版 English Français Русский Español |
27 May 2016: Ministerial policy review session on “Healthy environment, healthy people: Delivering on the environmental dimension of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” عربي 中文版 English Français Русский Español |
27 May 2016: Multi-stakeholder dialogue on “Restoring and sustaining healthy ecosystems for people and planet: Partnerships to jointly deliver on the environmental dimension of the 2030 Agenda” عربي 中文版 English Français Русский Español |
Stakeholder Representatives Invited to Engage with the Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue during the High-level Segment of UNEA 2 عربي 中文版 English Français Русский Español |
25 May 2016: Symposium: “Mobilizing Sustainable Investments: Making Private Finance Work for Sustainable Development” عربي 中文版 English Français Русский Español |
25 May 2016: 2:30 – 5:30 p.m Symposium: “Environment and Displacement: Root causes and implications” عربي 中文版 English Français Русский Español |
25 May 2016: Business Dialogue on Environmental Sustainability عربي 中文版 English Français Русский Español |
26 May 2016: Network of women ministers and leaders for the environment: Breakfast meeting عربي 中文版 English Français Русский Español - - |