Agenda 1
A video/message from H.E. Sveinung Rotevatn, President and Minister of Climate and Environment of Norway, serving as the President of the fifth session of UNEA
Agenda 3
(a) Draft assessment on sources, pathways and hazards of litter, including plastic litter and microplastics pollution (UNEP/AHEG/4/INF/3)
(b) Establishment of a digital multi-stakeholder platform for marine litter and microplastics (UNEP/AHEG/4/INF/4)
(c) Provisional mapping of all United Nations agencies, programmes, initiatives and other sources of expertise relating to marine litter, including plastic litter and microplastics (UNEP/AHEG/4/INF/5)
Agenda 4
(a) Taking stock of existing activities and action (resolution 4/6, para. 7)
(b) Identification of technical and financial resources or mechanisms (resolution 4/6, para. 7)
(c) Encouragement of partnerships that undertake activities in relation to the prevention of marine litter (resolution 4/6, para. 7)
(d) Analysis of the effectiveness of existing and potential response options and activities (resolution 4/6, para. 7)
Agenda 5
Nordic Council Presentation
Japan Presentation
Pew Presentation
WWF Presentation
UNEP Presentation by the Secretariat on paragraph 10 (d) of resolution 3/7