Ivo Mulder

REDD+ Green Economy Advisor for UN Environment


Ivo Mulder has initiated a number of innovative projects that develop business cases for the private and finance sector to tackle environmental challenges. He co-founded and directed the Natural Capital Declaration (NCD) – now rebranded as the Natural Capital Finance Alliance (NCFA). This includes the development of various practical tools for the financial industry to address deforestation risks related to soft commodities, integrating water risk in the valuation of corporate bonds and stocks, as well as environmental risk integration in sovereign credit analysis (ERISC).

He co-initiated the REDD+ work at UNEP Finance Initiative in 2011 to scale up private sector engagement in the UN-REDD Programme, and in recent years has worked with several governments on building the economic case to reduce deforestation. At present, Ivo is focusing on developing a number of novel private finance facilities that aim to unlock and direct private finance towards zero deforestation agriculture and restoration of degraded land.

Ivo has over 12 years of professional experience working for UN Environment (UNEP), private consulting firms and with non-governmental organizations. He has published more than 50 reports, blogs and articles, and sits on the Steering Group of the Natural Capital Coalition (NCC) and the Steering Committee of the NCFA. Ivo holds a Bachelor and Master of Science degree in Environmental Sciences from Wageningen University, the Netherlands, with a focus on environmental economics.

Ivo is a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (RSA) and a member of the Dutch Association of Sustainable Investors (VBDO). During his free time, he pursues a variety of outdoor sports such as triathlon, diving and mountain hiking.