InforMEA Phase II

In Environmental rights and governance

UN Environment aims to increase the knowledge of key stakeholders of environmental law and conventions through enhanced accessibility of information, and to support efforts to bring greater coherence to the implementation and enforcement of international environmental law. Effectively addressing global environmental challenges depends on a well-functioning and coherent governance framework and on a common understanding of each actor’s role and mandate. Enhanced “interoperability” of information and knowledge systems among Multilateral Environmental Agreements and organizations can greatly assist in overcoming institutional fragmentation.  

Over the past six years, UN Environment has supported the MEA Information and Knowledge Management Initiative, which seeks to improve coherence in the area of information and knowledge sharing in support of effective implementation of MEAs.

InforMEA further has a free of charge self-paced e-learning tool comprising of 21 introductory courses, a joint MEA calendar and an easy to use search mechanism to better search, locate and retrieve information. Through the enhanced use of InforMEA and from the evaluative feedback obtained by the target audience of InforMEA, countries and stakeholders involved with the implementation of international environmental law and MEAs have enhanced access to information and enhanced knowledge which they feel supports them in their respective roles and areas of work, which has in turn contributed to the capacity of countries to develop and enforce laws and strengthen institutions to achieve internationally agreed environmental objectives and goals and comply with related obligations.

For more please visit the InforMEA website or contact Eva.Duer[at]

Environmental Treaties Programme – realizing synergies for biodiversity

UN Environment supports the implementation of multilateral environmental agreements and to contribute to the improvement of environmental governance. We also aide in the contribution to the implementation of decisions of governing bodies of the multilateral environmental agreements related to enhancing cooperation, coordination and synergies and the work towards the achievement the Sustainable Development Goals and a post-2020 global biodiversity framework which is being developed under the leadership of the Convention on Biological Diversity.

UN Environment engages with synergies processes led by the biodiversity-related Conventions and provide input and works with regions and countries to identify and realize synergies to make better and more efficient use of global and regional environmental treaties. We also support

environmental treaties by providing administrative services to secretariats of different environmental treaties, as well as managing and implementing projects funded by other partners and stakeholders to support the implementation of Multilateral Environmental Agreements. 

UN Environment has a mandate to support the implementation of environmental treaties through various means and measures as requested by the decisions of the governing bodies of the Multilateral Environmental Agreements.

In Environmental rights and governance