IMEO Governance

In Energy

IMEO engages stakeholders through a comprehensive governance structure, comprised of: 

  •   An Executive Board, responsible for strategic decision-making and organizational direction
  •   An Advisory Council, responsible for advising the Executive Board and providing relevant information and recommendations
  •   A Scientific Oversight Committee, formed of leading methane scientists, that will guide and oversee the scientific activities of IMEO
  •   A Secretariat, including IMEO’s director, responsible for the day-to-day operations and management

Executive Board

The Executive Board guides IMEO’s strategic direction, ensures its policy relevance, endorses the annual work plan, and oversees the budget. The Board consists of representation from UN Environment Programme, the European Commission, and other governments that contribute to the activities of IMEO.

Scientific Oversight Committee

The Scientific Oversight Committee is formed by prominent methane scientists and will be complemented by data experts. It guides and oversees the scientific activities of the Observatory, including, but not limited to, overseeing estimation methodologies, recommending which studies are necessary and ensuring there are no key data gaps across the studies. 

Furthermore, the Scientific Oversight Committee will guide efforts to develop new analytical methods that produce data products that are more effective, more easily deployed or more accurate than existing products.

The chair leads the Scientific Oversight Committee and guides the evaluation, initiation, and coordination of proposals for direct measurement studies of methane emissions around the world, with the goal of obtaining policy relevant science. 

Advisory Council 

International organizations, civil society and industry representatives will be engaged in the work of the Observatory through the Advisory Council, which will provide the Executive Board with relevant information, data and other considerations. Organizations and companies working in the methane ecosystem on issues related to transparency, science and implementation will be invited to join the Advisory Committee to ensure synergies with relevant activities independent of IMEO.

The council is chaired by the Chair of the IMEO Executive Board who can delegate this function to the IMEO head. 


IMEO’s Secretariat is comprised by its Head and three programme managers representing each programme area: transparency, science and implementation. The programme managers convene interested parties for their programmes to inform and guide strategy and decision-making for their respective programme goals. 

IMEO’s Secretariat staff are supported by technical experts that contribute to the scientific expertise of IMEO. These experts will provide detailed scientific support to science studies, including suggesting methodological frameworks, ensuring effective co-ordination among projects, assisting on the development of measurement strategies and protocols, and ensuring synergies between field measurements and satellite measurements. 

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