Noticias Chemicals & pollution action

Spotlight on chemicals and pollution action


Preventing, controlling and managing pollution is central to improving health, human well-being and prosperity for all.

UNEP drives capacity and leadership in sound management of chemicals and waste, while working to improve ways to reduce waste through circularity, and pollutants released to the air, water, soil and the ocean.

Below are chemicals and pollution highlights from the United Nations System, from partners and from others helping to call attention to the fact that the future of humanity and our planet depends on action now. 

09 Aug 2024 10:32

Engaging Youth, Shaping a Zero Waste Future: Launch of the GWMO 2024 Youth Summary

An image of bottles with a text overlay

The English version of the Youth Summary of the Global Waste Management Outlook 2024 (GWMO) will be launched on 12 August 2024 in a virtual event from 2pm - 3:15pm (UTC). 

This event will provide a platform to showcase youth actions and leadership in waste management, raise awareness about the waste pollution crisis, and draw inspiration for actionable solutions. As part of the event, there will be a panel discussion titled “Youth Actions for Sustainable Solutions to Beat Waste Pollution”

The Youth Summary of the GWMO 2024 aims to build the capacity and understanding of young people by providing comprehensive insights into the waste pollution crisis, its potential solutions, and the dire scenarios if no action is taken.

More about the event.

Register for the event on Zoom.

01 Aug 2024 16:20

Earth Overshoot Day 2024 is on 1 August

Illustration of globes and plates
Image: Global Footprint Network

This year, 1 August is Earth Overshoot Day. Unfortunately, that means humanity’s demand for ecological resources this year has exceeded what Earth can regenerate.

Explore resources on sustainable consumption and production.

29 Jul 2024 14:18

Apply for the Global AMR Media Awards 2024

A golden shield with text
Image: GAMA

The Global AMR Media Awards - hosted by Global AMR Media Alliance (GAMA) - seek to acknowledge and honour journalists and other media actors who have put the spotlight on antimicrobial resistance (AMR)

The awards are open to journalists and media actors worldwide who are making outstanding contributions in raising awareness on AMR and promoting responsible journalism through their science- and evidence-based investigative reports, people-centred and rights-based news reports, feature stories, opinion pieces, blog posts, photo stories, or other forms of impactful communications.

Submissions published or broadcast between 15 May 2024 and 15 October 2024 are eligible.

See full eligibility, criteria, and application details.

23 Jul 2024 16:27

Latin America and the Caribbean launch first regional eco-labeling programme

A photo of fresh vegetables at a market
Photo: Pixabay

The Environmental Alliance of America hosts the first regional eco-labeling programme, backed by regulatory, standardization, and accreditation bodies. The initiative – supported by UNEP through funding from Germany - aims to drive sustainable trade and enable better-informed consumer choices for more than 450 million people. 

“This initiative is crucial for connecting with producers and consumers about the environmental impact of the products they buy through clear and reliable information. Our collective effort to tackle the triple planetary crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution heavily depends on changing production practices and consumer behaviors,” said Sheila Aggarwal-Khan, Director of the Industry and Economy Division at UNEP. “The Alliance addresses a crucial gap, empowering consumers, businesses, and public procurement actors to make better-informed decisions across high-impact product categories, ranging from food to air conditioners and plastic products.”

More on this.

15 Jul 2024 14:11

Deadly and growing impact of air pollution laid bare in new UNICEF-backed report

The State of Global Air report published in June in partnership with the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) warns that air pollution is increasingly impacting human health - and is now the second leading global risk factor for premature death.

Dr. Pallavi Pant, Head of Global Health at Health Effects Institute said, “This new report offers a stark reminder of the significant impacts air pollution has on human health, with far too much of the burden borne by young children, older populations, and low- and middle-income countries.”

She continued, “This points sharply at an opportunity for cities and countries to consider air quality and air pollution as high-risk factors when developing health policies and other noncommunicable disease prevention and control programmes.”

More on this.

Access the report.

27 Jun 2024 20:19

From problem to solution: waste management can help address triple planetary crisis

Inger Andersen speaking at a podium
Photo: UNEP

" is clear, we need to move beyond the waste era we are living in. An era driven by a throw away culture, cheaply made products and increasing consumer demand. We need to decouple waste generation from economic growth and shift to zero waste models, embrace waste management and embed circular economy approaches across economies and societies.

"Circularity and zero waste approaches can help break our waste addiction. Zero waste initiatives in just five sectors - cement, aluminum, steel, plastics, and food – could eliminate an estimated half of the emissions from the production of goods – 9.3 billion tonnes of CO2eq in 2050 – equivalent to cutting current emissions from the transport sector to zero," said Inger Andersen at the International Forum on Green World Solidarity in Baku, Azerbaijan.

Read the full speech.

21 Jun 2024 09:39

How science-policy bodies are driving solutions to planetary crises

Image of chemistry equipment
Image: UNEP

Environmental policies are greatly enhanced when expert advice is provided, including on climate change, nature and pollution.

Science-policy panels are specifically designed to provide decision makers, including governments, with the information they need to make informed environmental policy. They assess the latest science to come to an authoritative consensus of where the science and evidence stands.

This month, a UNEP-hosted working group gathered in the Swiss city of Geneva to decide on the structure of the new science-policy panel, with the first session of the panel’s governing body expected to be held early next year.

Ahead of that, here is a deeper look at science-policy panels and why they are important.

17 Jun 2024 11:24

OEWG3 is underway this week


14 Jun 2024 09:53

Bridging the Gap Between Science and Policy-making for a Pollution-free Planet

Image with text and an illustration of waste products
Image: UNEP

Following the UN Environment Assembly resolution 5/8 in 2022, countries will meet at the International Conference Center in Geneva (CICG), Switzerland, from 17 to 21 June 2024 for the third session of the ad hoc open-ended working group to prepare proposals to establish an independent, intergovernmental panel to help countries better manage chemicals and waste, and to prevent pollution.

At its third session to be held in-person, the working group is expected to conclude its substantive discussions on proposals for the establishment of a science-policy panel and how the panel will be structured.

Ahead of the meeting, UNEP has prepared a factsheet on the need to act towards a pollution-free planet and how the science-policy panel will help in this process.

Get the factsheet.

11 Jun 2024 08:25

Happening today: Chemicals and Waste Negotiations Briefing 2024

A man in a hazmat suit handling chemicals
Photo: Pixabay

Happening today from 10:00 CEST online and in Geneva, the Chemicals and Waste Negotiations briefing will provide an overview of the work and key activities to advance the sound management of chemicals and waste globally. The event will also present the new Global Framework on Chemicals, adopted by the 5th International Conference on Chemicals Management in Bonn in 2023.

More information about the event, including participation details.