Industry Engagement

In Energy

UNEP’s International Methane Emissions Observatory (IMEO) engages methane-emitting industries to reduce emissions through transformative partnerships and data-driven solutions.

These efforts include the establishment of frameworks for measuring, reporting, and verifying methane emissions and mitigation efforts – powered by the accountability made possible by transparent and credible data.

Currently, IMEO engages industrial actors via the Oil and Gas Methane Partnership 2.0 (OGMP 2.0) and the Steel Methane Programme (SMP) to offer clear pathways for companies to transition from generic emissions estimates to precise, verified data that enables them to achieve ambitious methane emissions reductions. 

  • The Oil and Gas Methane Partnership 2.0

    The Oil and Gas Methane Partnership 2.0 (OGMP 2.0) is the United Nations Environment Programme’s flagship oil and gas reporting and mitigation programme. OGMP 2.0 is the only comprehensive, measurement-based reporting framework for the oil and gas industry that improves the accuracy and transparency of methane emissions reporting. This is key to prioritising methane mitigation actions in the sector. If you can’t measure it, you can’t fix it.

    OGMP 2.0’s data is one of the key components of IMEO’s solution to the methane data problem. IMEO collects, integrates, and reconciles methane data to generate a public dataset of methane emissions levels and sources. This comprehensiveness allows to track and compare progress and performance across companies.  

    OGMP, launched in 2014 by the Climate and Clean Air Coalition, was ratcheted up in scope and ambition in November 2020 to become OGMP 2.0. OGMP 2.0 is a more ambitious and comprehensive reporting framework that fosters reporting of methane emissions and directly connects it to strategic mitigation actions. This comprehensiveness allows stakeholders to track and compare progress and performance across companies.

    Find out more about OGMP 2.0 and how to join here.


    Learn more

    OGMP 2.0 website

    OGMP 2.0 company reporting 2024

  • Steel Methane Programme

    Through the Steel Methane Programme (SMP), UNEP’s IMEO aims to mitigate methane emissions in the steel supply chain. These emissions increase the climate impact of steel by a quarter yet could be substantially mitigated at less than one percent of the retail price of steel.

    With the demand for steel set to persist and as an integral part of the transition towards low carbon steel, mitigating methane emissions is critical to limit the impact of the steel industry on global warming under any decarbonisation scenario.  

    SMP seeks to define the “Gold Standard” for Measurement, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) of methane emissions in the sector, and advance ambitious mitigation targets. This builds on IMEO’s success with the Oil and Gas Methane Partnership 2.0 (OGMP 2.0), which includes over 140 member companies, covering more than 40% of global oil and gas production. 


    Learn more

    SMP Technical Guidance Document: Ventilation Air Methane 

    SMP Technical Guidance Document: Drained Coal Mine Methane

In Energy
