Installation of waste disposal facilities within the UNSIDS venue and the accommodation providers

In Ocean, seas and coasts
Submitted by richard-waiguchu on

In the framework of the project, a waste audit took place in March in over 40 Samoan hotels and other accommodation venues and ports of entry to be used during the Conference. The survey results showed that when fully occupied, between 7 and 70 large trash bags of waste can be generated per week from each venue.

Waste disposal facilities were installed at the SIDS Conference venue and to ensure that the waste generated during the SIDS conference was properly managed.

As part of the SIDS waste management preparations, a technical workshop was also held to help develop a waste management process for the SIDS conference. The workshop assisted hotel managers and stakeholders to improve waste management practices and methods for the SIDS conference. The goal was to showcase Samoa as a clean and green healthy island.

Over the course of the workshop, results from the audit of waste management practices at the UNSIDS accommodation providers and ports of entry were presented to participants.

Participants were also provided with information on a range of waste management techniques, as well as the waste management services provided by the Government of Samoa.

The results of the waste audit will also be presented to the SIDS Committee and policy decision making system of the Government to help put in place better waste management systems for the SIDS Conference and beyond.

Read the SPREP article

In Ocean, seas and coasts